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Info and forum posts by 'Ade Taylor'

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Joined on: Monday, 8th November 1999, 08:35, Last used: Monday, 8th November 1999, 08:35

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Tall, own teeth.

This user has posted a total of 64 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: FAO Ade Taylor

I know what you mean.

I chuckled happily throughout "The Blair Witch Project". When I discovered it was meant to be scary it ruined it for me.

"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" is a good for a laugh, too.

RE: FAO Ade Taylor

Only if they`re good.

RE: Children`s Cartoon from the late 80`s... ### Hot Update ###

Ooh - yes...

It`s coming back to me...

FFS, RJ - you`ve started it all over again. Better phone my wife and ask if she remembers - I`m not suffering alone..


RE: Children`s Cartoon from the late 80`s... ### Hot Update ###

How blind we`ve been...

Jace was close, very close with "Lone Star", but I`ve just run into a guy who, believe it or not, has an archive of stuff from the series...

It was called "Brave Starr" and, wait for it, the horse was called "30/30"

Once again the internet justifies it`s existence to me. It`s OK, it can stay. for all you sceptics..


This item was edited on Friday, 25th February 2000, 14:19

RE: Children`s Cartoon from the late 80`s...

My wife is also forever in your debt, as I`ve been annoying the hell out of her for months by repeatedly shouting "Come ON - you MUST remember, it`s EASY for God`s sake" at her whenever the subject arises. I also tend to get fewer visits from my friends these days, as they`re immediately berated with six-foot talking horse questions as soon as they enter the threshold.

On the subject of forever being in my debt, as a friend of mine is fond of saying - "Once you invite him in, you are powerless to stop him".

Not that it`s got any relevance at all, just wanted to prove I had a friend who said stuff...

Now if I can just get that song title - you know, the one by thing from about 1979, the chorus went dum diddy da...dum diddy da..

RE: Children`s Cartoon from the late 80`s...

My god!

I love you..

You`re so right... Let me phone my wife.

I`m forever in your debt....

RE: Children`s Cartoon from the late 80`s...


That`s what the people in my office said.


I have another witness, and he remembers it too. Vaguely.
We may have watched it together, actually.

The Horse spoke like the guy who does the voice-overs for Bruce Willis movies and had a catchphrase - "Let me introduce you to Sarah-Jane" which he used before smearing someone over a space ranch.

I`ve got a headache.

Children`s Cartoon from the late 80`s...

I`m looking for this DVD. It`s basically the whole series of a Cartoon from the 80`s but I can`t remember it`s name for the life of me.
Oh, alright, this has got absolutely nothing to do with DVD`s, but this is DRIVING ME MAD.

The Cartoon was a space-type thing. The stars were the futuristic Texas Rangers, one of whom was a six foot horse which walked on it`s back legs and carried a massive shotgun called "Sarah-Jane".

Never one to balk at abusing a public platform - FOR GOD`S SAKE SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT IT WAS CALLED before I chew my own feet off.



RE: DVD Drives for lap tops

Ah, I see..

Having re-read your message at a more normal pace, It may be that you`re after buying a DVD-ROM drive to go with your existing laptop, in which case ....erm...

No idea, but I`d think that any aftermarket device would have to be proprietary (expensive).

Am I still wrong?

Ade :-)

RE: DVD Drives for lap tops

Hi Rob,

Yeah - they`re out there alright.

I particularly fancy the Apple Powerbook G3, which I believe to be fitted as standard with a DVD drive. (It has a very sexy transparent keyboard, but`s that`s how sad I have become....)

Have a look at it here,72

(Nice URL eh?).

If Mac`s don`t float your boat then I know that Compaq and Toshiba both have offerings specced with DVD.

Take a look at the Compaq Armada (excellent tools - I`ve got a lower spec one) at
or the Tosh at

Hope this helps,




Will have a gander..


I`m genuinely interested in this now (sigh)...

What`s the picture quality like from LCD projectors? is there an alternate projector?

If I were to buy one, as I like the idea of having everything tucked away until showtime, would I need to retain my TV as well - i.e will it be good enough for general day to day, all light conditions type use?


RE: Rugrat calling Robert.....

He plays slides of him on a beach on the Isle of Wight, mainly. He normally has his trousers rolled up as a concession to the fact that he`s on his holidays.

It`s got a remote control with a wire which has to attach to the machine...

I like projectors. I wonder if Rob`s is like my Dad`s?


RE: Rugrat calling Robert.....

My Dad`s got a projector......

RE: Need 2 hacks

The Chipping Operation for the Tosh is only £74.00 and works a treat - Free collection a delivery in the UK at the moment as well..

More info. at


Ade :-)




Technology alarm triggered :-)

Thanks for the help, Gentlemen - I think I get it. So basically it`s easier for me to carry on burning to CDR-W I reckon.

Much appreciated.


RE: RE: Ongoing puzzle - CDR as opposed to CDR-W on Toshiba 2109

Thanks Rob - that`s a little clearer.

Yeah - I`ve actually got hold of a CDR-W now and it seems to work fine, I just wanted to know why. MiniDVD? Never heard of that - is it new? Will I like it?

RE: South Park actress dead..

I thought they were all cartoon characters?

You mean those people are REAL?

Ongoing puzzle - CDR as opposed to CDR-W on Toshiba 2109


Does anyone have a definitive answer as to why VCD format movies recorded onto CDR discs refuse to play on my Toshiba SD 2109 but those recorded onto CDR-W work fine?

I`ve heard several explanations, most of which relate to laser frequency and / or ambient temperature of the writer`s sock drawer, but most of them simply made me go, "ermmm...I see", whilst not seeing at all.

This subject is close to my heart as movies on recordable media from are important for, um, backup purposes...



RE: RE: Jesus Christ Superstar.

Right then....

In that case I need suggestions for how to change the sentence "Yeah - course I can get Superstar for you - I`m a geezer, work with computers and that don`t I?" into "No chance mate unless you buy a region 1 capable player" as seamlessly as possible.

Thanks for the info though - and that URL - very handy.



RE: RE: Getting started

Yep - a Mate of mine also took advantage of the Woolie`s deal on the Sammie over the summer and hasn`t looked back. Mind you, I do agree with Yyves on the "Cash Black Hole" statement.....

"I`m only going to get the player - it`s all I`m interested in", I seem to remember telling my wife..... erm.....

Mind you - as a student you`ll have an understanding bank manager, shurely? :)

Jesus Christ Superstar.


Has anyone got any ideas when this will be available on region 2 - or where I can find out? (pre christmas would be good, as I`ve issued a drunken promise to acquire it for someone as a gift....) Also, whilst I`m on, I like the site very much RJ - good luck with it. :)