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Added by: Jitendar Canth
Added on: 13/7/2009 11:35
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    Anime Review Roundup

    Anime on Film4 (And it isn't Ghibli!)

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    Film4 have shown perhaps the greatest interest in anime of all the terrestrial channels, but till now it has been solely directed at the Ghibli catalogue. For a change however, they are bringing us something completely different, the anime reimagining of Metropolis. I've reviewed it here if you want more info, but it's a grand vision of a utopian future, from the pen of the Godfather of anime, Osamu Tezuka, seen through the directorial vision of Rintaro, and with a screenplay from Katsuhiro Otomo.

    You'll be able to see it on Saturday 18th July at 2.50pm, and it's repeated on Thursday 23rd July at 11am.

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    It was a week of boxsets last week, just four of them, although once upon a time they would have equated to sixteen single volume releases. Seven of those volumes are collected together in my first review of the week, the Wolf's Rain Anime Legends Perfect Collection from Bandai. Tempted again by the cheap import price, I grabbed hold of this US release after ignoring years of hyperbole, superlatives and effusive praise. Don't do what I did and dismiss this title simply because of the talking wolves. It's a beautiful character piece set in the waning days of the world, as four wolves seek to find Paradise, and are pursued by those who would take it and shape it to their own ends. And Yoko Kanno provides the soundtrack.

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    Three of those volumes could have gone to Negima!? Series 2 - Part 1, but this series went straight to boxset, and its first 13 episodes are spread across two discs. This is a re-imagining of the Negima story, this time animated by the masters of visual quirkiness, SHAFT. If you've seen the first series, then this may interest you, as far from being a straight remake, this story takes the characters in a completely different direction than the Ken Akamatsu manga. Negi Springfield is a ten-year-old wizard who goes to Japan to teach English to a class of 14-year old girls, that much is still the same, but this time there is an odd darkness that is affecting Mahora Academy, and the freaky occurrences are part of a story that stretches over the series.

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    And as the week drew to a close, Stuart pored over the packaging of the forthcoming Full Metal Alchemist Season 2 boxsets. Yeah, just the packaging. They are gorgeous boxsets though, just the sort of thing you stroke, caress and fondle. What can you do? A man has to have a holiday sometime. Once Stuart has topped up his tan, he'll be back to review what is on the discs as well. Until then, you'll just have to marvel at what comes from beneath the cellophane. Here's the review for Part 1, and then the review for Part 2.

    Bandai released Wolf's Rain in its latest m-lock boxset incarnation in April just past, and you can pick up the Region 1 release from all reputable online importers. Or you could actually go there… Negima!? was due to be released today, but at the last minute it was delayed, with no new date given. However, online retailers Play have a new date pencilled in as 17th of August. Revelation will release both of the Full Metal Alchemist collections on the 20th of July.

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