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Minder: Series 8 Part 2 Of 4 (UK) (DVD Details)

Unique ID Code: 0000061665
Added by: Rich Goodman
Added on: 18/7/2004 15:38
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    Review of Minder: Series 8 Part 2 Of 4

    6 / 10


    The 12 episodes that make up Minder Season 8 (first broadcast in Autumn 1991) have been released over 4 DVDs available separately or as a box set. I`m reviewing all the discs as separate discs, but the 4 reviews won`t differ very much since the technical details of the discs are very similar. I`m sure that most people will have heard of Minder, and the lovable east end spiv Arthur Daley. The show ran for 14 years and was very popular during its time.

    Here goes then with what`s on disc 2.

    Three Cons Make a Mountain

    Arthur keeps acquiring items that won`t do his reputation any good (sounds familiar). He needs to get rid of them sharpish without the rest of the manor finding out.

    Guess Who`s Coming to Pinner

    Charlie Johnson`s funeral provides an opportunity for a new business deal, but Charlie`s widow has other ideas for Arthur.

    The Last Temptation of Daley

    Arthur demands police protection from a very angry customer. But his doctor has told him to quit smoking and drinking for the good of his health. The short term effects of this new regime seem to be taking their toll on Arthur.


    A full frame transfer which was as the show was filmed and transmitted. It was all recorded on film (unusual for a TV show, but not unusual for one produced by Euston Films). The transfer therefore reflects this, and at times it`s in a bit of a state, looking rather like messy film stock from nearly 15 years ago might be expected to look like. There`s a hell of a lot of grain on the screen at times and it can look awful.

    The image is not always sharp and the lack of quality makes the show look older than it actually is. It`s a shame that the image didn`t get cleaned up for release.

    As for the show itself, Ray`s choice of clothing places it smack bang in the early 1990s.


    A DD2.0 stereo soundtrack, which would have been how it was recorded, but it doesn`t sound very stereo at all. At least it is clean and crisp and audible and it certainly sounds better than it looks. The theme tune has had a bit of a cheesey remix to bring it into the early 1990s but it`s still quite recognisable, even with the rubbish electric drum sounds.


    Just a series and episode guide.


    Minder without Terry McCann? Well it was a gamble to bring it back, but it still retains the essence of the original series. The episodes have shifted focus from the older "Terry the heavy" style to a slightly more subtle, character based approach. The arrival of Gary Webster helped to attract a different audience. The music and the clothes definitely help to date the series to the beginning of the 1990s, but it still has some of the aura of the earlier shows about it.

    The writing is still consistent and it`s still enjoyable to watch. Some of the ideas are a bit old hat and there`s some recycling of work from earlier seasons. The inevitable comparisons are always drawn with Only Fools and Horses, with dodgy deals and cockney spivs mangling the English language. But the series were always different - Fools and Horses went straight for the laughs, Minder played more for drama, but with the laughs are still mixed in.

    Series 8 is a reasonable release and fans of the show will want to pick it up regardless of some of the qualms about image quality. It`s unlikely anyone will be spending money on cleaning it up, so it`s the best that you`re likely to see it.

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