Allied Powers: The World's Greatest Tag Teams DVD
I love tag team wrestling and so this was surely a DVD released for me. I should simply write 'Perfect. Buy it!' But, sadly this isn't the perfect set that it could be and this is such a shame. Personally this should have been a two hour documentary about the history and evolution of tag team wrestling followed by a disk or disks or extra/promos and matches.
Instead I got four problems with this set
1.)The Miz and Morrison introducing this make themselves look so stupid that it made me almost ashamed to be a fan. This should have been done straight, but instead there skits were just embarrassing.
2.) Rather than an indepth look into the teams themselves we get a quick less than a minute montage of each team. Sure every team can look good this way... but it doesn't explain why they were great.
3.) After each montage for the team there is a match... now surely they wouldn't show a match of eg. The Steiners and have them lose? It kinda spoils the ending of each match with only a few that can't be predicted. Again it should have been a documentary about tag teams and then two disks of matches.
4.) One of my biggest issues is that too many teams are almost brushed over in compilation sections such as two great teams are included in a pathethic little montage called 'Honorable Mentions' MNM... possibly the last great tag team and The Hollywood Blondes, one of the best tag teams of all time. This occurs often where tag teams are just skimmed over like The Killer Bees, APA, The Wild Samoans and even The Megapowers and The Von Erichs.
The British Bulldogs vs The Hart Foundation
If there was ever a way to start this set it is with these two teams. I love both teams... though of course my allegiance was always with The Bulldogs. Any upcoming tag teams should be forced to watch these two teams. Chemistry. Synchronicity. Everything is so fluid and so perfect. Great example of Heel/Face tactics that you very rarely see these days. Just perfect!
The Brisco Brothers vs The Funks
This was a bizarre match, almost looks like a fan-cam video from Youtube. What makes this interesting is the commentary provided (though oddly never identified) by Gordon Solie and Dory Funk Jr. This is a good old school NWA match that really showed how good all four really were in their prime and just how good a technical tag team match up could be.
The Rockers vs The Brain Busters
Proof that an X-Division style could get over in WWE. As a tag team The Rockers were amazing. You can see where the Hardys, Edge and Christian and everyone in TNA's X-Division got some of their move ideas from. Just perfect double team moves. Perfect coordination. Just Perfect!
Tag Title Unification Steel Cage Match
Dudleyz vs Hardy Boyz
One of the few things during the Invasion that the WWE got right. The tag team titles were made to look like they meant something and these two teams proved that this was indeed the case. This match was a great example of just why both teams were as popular as they were. Some great offence, great double team moves, the added dimension of the cage element made it even better too.
The Miz and Morrison vs Shawn Michaels and Rey Mysterio
You know I used to hate both Miz and Morrison, but I got to admit as a tag team they were amazing. Which of course makes me scream 'WHY DID YOU SPLIT THEM UPPPPP??????????????????????????????????' I wasn't sure about the mix of Mysterio and Michaels, but it did work well and though I'm sure Miz and Morrison had better matches, this was just as good as anything they did as a team.
Hart Foundation vs Rougeau Brothers
I was never a fan of the heel Hart Foundation, but you still can't deny how good this team are in the ring. I was also never fans of the Rougeaus, but these two work well together and despite me preferring the Face Hart Foundation, the team are so good at Heel tactics and this match is a great example of that.
Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match for the WWE World Tag Team Championship
Edge & Christian vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz
I don't think you can get any better in terms of thrills and spills in tag team wrestling than these three teams. This is a brutal match, but rather than dissolving into a garbage brawl, it is actually a wonderfully constructed match from start to finish. All three teams get their moments to shine and you cannot predict who would win which is the makings of a wonderful match.
WWE World Tag Team Championship
New Age Outlaws vs. Rock 'N' Sock Connection
Though both teams had better matches I guess this was a killing two birds with one stone match. Both teams are great, but this match should and could have been so much better. They should have included the New Age Outlaws vs Catcus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie Wrestlemania 14 Dumpster Match instead to represent the New Age Outlaws.
Legion of Doom vs. Money Inc.
Greatest tag team. END OF STORY. Don't give me any of that 5*matches or number of titles or stop right there. The Roadwarriors... to steal someone else's catchphrases are 'the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be' This was a great showing of this as Money Inc were great workers and great heels and it is a joy to see Hawk and Animal come to the ring and destroy them.
Despite my earlier grievances, I still have to say this an excellent set and as it seems WWE will never release a British Bulldogs DVD (though hopefully they will) any matches featured anywhere from them is reason alone for me to purchase this. With hours worth of footage you are certainly getting your money's worth and the multitude of extras including the Freebirds Badstreet video, some promos from various teams and the insane Miz and Morrison music video to finish this set off perfectly. Sure this isn't perfect, but it's as close as you can get when it comes to tag team wrestling. I do hope WWE and TNA watch this DVD and take note of why all these teams worked and actually build a tag division for me to care about. With a few tweeks and few different matches this could have been perfect, but it's still a set you should own if you like tag team wrestling.
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