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Danger Man: Volume 3 (UK) (DVD Details)

Unique ID Code: 0000018294
Added by: John Savage
Added on: 1/7/2001 20:01
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    Review of Danger Man: Volume 3

    7 / 10


    Danger Man, dating from the early sixties, was the original spy series, predating just about everything else including The Man From U.N.C.L.E and related TV series.

    This is the third disc in the DVD series, containing yet more episodes, 8 this time!).

    The series was inspired by the cold war climate as the world turned from the shiny happy fifties and entered the scary, spy-infested, paranoid sixties (well that`s what the TV producers would have use believe). Ralph Smart not only directed the entire series, he also wrote, co-wrote or directed 28 of the 39 episodes!

    Read my reviews of the first two discs here (disc 1) and here (disc 2) ;)


    1960`s era black and white TV footage, so naturally there`s a 4:3 transfer! The same format has been used as in the first two discs and they are building up to a good looking set.

    Some of the episodes have fared better than others, depending on the quality of the remaining master tapes, just as with the first two discs. They tend to be very good though for their age.

    There is some evidence of flickering in the lighter areas, especially during times of fast movement but nothing too intrusive.

    The DVD menu is unchanged from the other discs.


    Sound is mono throughout but is of more than acceptable quality. Dialogue comes across clearly although some of the background efects can sound a little tinny. About on par with the second disc in teh series.


    The features are essentiallty simiar to the first two discs with the inclusion this time of a handy locations guide! Otherwise nothing exceptional but it`s nice to get something that slowly, disc by disc builds into a rather good selection of extras.

    Personally I prefer it this way, more episodes on a disc and the features spread out across them all ;)


    If you `ve read this far you are probably a fan and already have the first two - in that case you won`t be disappointed by this one.

    The video is good considering the age of the footage, the sound is acceptable and they have made an effort with the extra features.

    If you are a fan of the genre you should watch them - just to see how the spy tv series has evolved as the world has changed......

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