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Unique ID Code: 0000018702
Added by: DVD Reviewer
Added on: 1/6/2001 14:46
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Longitude (UK)

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He took on the world... and changed it forever
Certificate: PG
Running Time: 198 mins
Retail Price: £14.99
Release Date:

Once out of sight of land, mariners had no reliable way of telling their exact position in the world`s seemingly endless oceans, so in 1714 Parliament offered a £20,000 prize to anyone who could accurately measure longitude at sea.

This is the true story of one man`s forty year struggle to win the prize money by proving that his mechanical clock was the answer, not the stars as most people in the scientific establishment believed.

It also tells the story of Rupert Gould, who two centuries later tracked down the four machines Harrison had built and took on the task of restoring both the reputation and the physical condition of the clocks, enabling future generations to realise the significance of Harrison`s vision.

Special Features:
Interactive Menus
Scene Access

Video Tracks:
Widescreen Letterbox 1.78:1

Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital Surround 2.0 English

Directed By:
Charles Sturridge

Written By:

Stephen Fry
Samuel West
Frank Finlay
Nigel Davenport
Michael Gambon
Jeremy Irons

Casting By:
Celestia Fox

Soundtrack By:
Geoffrey Burgon

Director of Photography:
Peter Hannan

Peter Coulson

Costume Designer:
Shirley Russell

Production Designer:
Chris Lowe
Eileen Diss

Kris Slava
Selwyn Roberts

Executive Producer:
Anthony Root
Delia Fine
Pippa Cross


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