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Unique ID Code: 0000031297
Added by: DVD Reviewer
Added on: 8/3/2002 07:07
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Stories From Camberwick Green (UK)

7 / 10
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12 glorious episodes
Certificate: U
Running Time: 174 mins
Retail Price: £9.99
Release Date:

The miniature village of Camberwick Green is set in the county of Trumptonshire, deep in the midst of the quaint English countryside. This DVD features 12 episodes from the children`s series first transmitted in 1966.
We meet Peter the postman delivering his early morning letters, Windy Miller hard at work grinding corn with his whirring windmill, Mr Crockett polishing the petrol pumps in his garage, Doctor Mopp is on his daily rounds visiting his patients, Mr Murphy the village baker busy baking walnut cakes for Farmer Bell, Mrs Honeyman the friendly chatterbox exchanging gossip with the locals, PC McGarry trying to remove a swarm of bees from the bakery, Mr Carraway the fishmonger having a very eventful day, Farmer Bell puzzled as to why his eggs aren`t selling, Paddy Murphy causing trouble at the dairy, Captain Snort organising the soldiers` odd job day, and Roger Varley the chimney sweep bringing the villagers good luck...

Special Features:

Video Tracks:
Standard 1.33:1

Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital Mono English

Brian Cant

Soundtrack By:
Freddie Phillips


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