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Unique ID Code: 0000035523
Added by: DVD Reviewer
Added on: 12/6/2002 13:51
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Colin James Presents The Blues Masters (UK)

3 / 10
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Restored and re-edited from 1966
Certificate: none
Running Time: 45 mins
Retail Price: £15.99
Release Date:

In 1966, CBS Television invited some of North America`s greatest blues performers to gather in a studio in Toronto. The artists were recorded together and individually in sessions that lasted three days. The recordings are here presented restored and re-edited.
Tracklisting: Muddy Waters - I`ve Got My Mojo Working, Otis Span - Blues Don`t Like Nobody, Maybelle Hillary - How Long Has That Train Been Gone, Sonny Terry/Brownie McGhee - Cornbread And Peas, Sonny Terry - Hooray, These Women Is Killin` Me, Brownie McGhee - Born And lIvin` With The Blues, Sunnyland Slim - Tin Pan Alley Blues, Willie Dixson/Sunnlyland Slim/Colin James - Crazy For My Baby, Willie Dixson - Bassology, Muddy Waters - You Can`t Lose What You Never Had, Bye Bye Baby Goodbye.

Special Features:

Video Tracks:
Standard 1.33:1

Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital Stereo 2.0 English

Sanctuary Digital Entertainment

Your Opinions and Comments

10 / 10
Bottom line, a great video of classic blues greats, fans of the music will definitely appreciate it more than a reviewer who has no idea who Muddy Waters is! Colin James was a fine host, I`m sure he just read off the cue cards the network wrote up for the show. As host, I`m sure he just presented the show as they wanted it, and if you pick up some of his CD`s, you`ll see what a great guitarist and fine vocalist he is, not to mention diverse in his music, doing blues to swing to R&B!
posted by CJFan79 on 18/7/2004 13:01