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Unique ID Code: 0000058024
Added by: DVD Reviewer
Added on: 15/3/2004 09:03
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Spirited Away (UK)

9 / 10
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Hayao Miyazaki`s hugely imaginative, Oscar-winning animation
Certificate: PG
Running Time: 116 mins
Retail Price: £19.99
Release Date:

Hayao Miyazaki`s hugely imaginative, Oscar-winning animation Spirited Away follows the adventures of young girl Chihiro trapped in a fantastical world populated by spirits.

Special Features:

Directed By:
Hayao Miyazaki

Written By:

Yasuko Sawaguchi
Takashi Naitô
Mari Natsuki
Miyu Irino
Rumi Hîragi

Soundtrack By:
Yumi Kimura
Joe Hisaishi

Director of Photography:
Atsushi Okui

Takeshi Seyama

Production Designer:
Norobu Yoshida

Toshio Suzuki
Lori Korngiebel
Donald W. Ernst

Executive Producer:
Yasuyoshi Tokuma
John Lasseter

Optimum Home Entertainment

Your Opinions and Comments

9 / 10
I first saw this subtitled, in the original Japanese. I was blown away by the attention to detail, the humourous touches in the characterisations and the story. Miyazaki creates a tale that is fantastic, yet touches the real world, that appeals to the child, and to the child in an adult. This film truly reaches all age groups equally, without compromising its appeal. Since watching this, I have voraciously viewed as much Project Ghibli as possible. This film truly shows Disney how to do family friendly animation. Is it any coincidence that Disney is releasing Miyazaki-san`s next film, The Cat Returns? Think I will visit our local uni film theatre and catch the original dialogue though. Remove your prejudices, watch this film and love it.
posted by carl jervis on 10/5/2004 03:50