Info and forum posts by 'poohgirl'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 17th August 2001, 16:36, Last used: Friday, 17th August 2001, 16:36

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Hack needed for a Sanyo 7201 !! urgent

I need a hack for a Sanyo 7201- I have one for a Sanyo 1500 is there any chance that will work ?

RE: Region hack needed for Sanyo 1500

What should I expect hen I put the disc into the DVD player ? DO the simple instructions come on screen ?

RE: Region hack needed for Sanyo 1500

I have just recieved the hack files for the DVD player. Can someone please advise me how to use them. They are in ZIP format - do I need to unzip them and then burn them ? Do I just put it into the DVD player ?


RE: Sanyo 1500

Could anuyone out there please send me the files for the hack - I am getting desperate as I am leaving this computer behind and will not have acess to a CD burner in just two weeks.

Jen xox


RE: Region hack needed for Sanyo 1500

My e-mail is lrighoop[at]moc.tenretnitb thanks

RE: Region hack needed for Sanyo 1500

I would also like the files - could you please send them very soon as I am moving home and will not have access to a CD burner in 1 weeks time. What is the procedure once I burn the CD ?


Jen (lrighoop[at]moc.tenretnitb)

RE: Matsui 110 hack changes region to ALL but still unable to play my DVD region 1 disk, please help

I used to sell Matsui`s unfortunately the 110 does not have a big enough memory to play a lot of the latest DVD`s I have the 110 and I can only play about half of my James Bond DVD`s. There is nottihng you can do about this and Dixons will not help as they claim it is not their fault that the technology changes. I promise you the hack works as I have used it myself and will work with most of my region 1 disks. All I can recommend is try to sell you 110 and buy thr 120 which does not hae any of these problems and can still be hacked easily.