Info and forum posts by 'nightflight'
This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.
Joined on: Friday, 31st August 2001, 19:44, Last used: Sunday, 21st May 2006, 13:29
Access Level: Harmless
About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(
This user has posted a total of 2 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.
Recent Messages Posted:
RE: Memento R1 - RCE?
I thought about asking Play to replace it (the disc they`re now showing _is_ the US one, though technically I only ordered a Region 1 disc (not country-specific) and as that`s what I got they might not change it anyway....) but as the US feature seem a little iffy, and as I`ve been unable to find any other sites selling the Canadian version (all the Canadian sites I could find seemed to only have the US one, and even the company`s website as advertised on the packaging doesn`t even mention Memento anywhere), I`ve come to the conclusion that maybe I should hold onto it as a collectors` item....
RE: Memento R1 - RCE?
I preordered Memento a while ago from play247, and although it`s not released until 04 September (next Monday), it arrived this morning (Friday 31 August).
However, the DVD they`ve sent me is the Canadian release, which does have the watch-the-movie-in-chronologial-order feature, but none of the other features which the US disc is supposed to have (the US disc doesn`t have the chronological order feature though!).
Can`t help with the RCE thing, as mine plays RCE discs anyway, but the packaging doesn`t state RCE, but the US one is supposed to be RCE....
I`d probably wait until January and get the UK one with all the features if I were you! (I`m not sure whether to keep my Canadian one, or swap it for a US one. Anybody any ideas?)