Info and forum posts by 'dj76'

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Joined on: Thursday, 6th September 2001, 17:38, Last used: Thursday, 6th September 2001, 17:38

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This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

JVC AV32WFT1 Horizontal line problem


I`ve just got myself a JVC AV32WFT1, which by all accounts (reviews) should have an excellent picture. In fact it`s v good with analogue broadcasts but when I switch to DVD, the picture quality declines.

I can quite clearly see that the picture`s formed of horizontal lines. I know this is how a TV picture is made up, but I can see darker lines between the image lines. This doesn`t look like interference because it`s always there. This is noticeable even when you sit back quite far back from the tv. The DVD player is a Toshiba sd110e, connected with a RGB scart to the RGB compatible socket on my TV. All settings are correct, ie RGB is selected on the DVD player, the TV picks this up automatically. It also has the effect of making edges look jagged.

With my old (non-widescreen) JVC tv, I didn`t notice this effect at all, but the image was a lot smaller. It`s especially noticeable on my DVDs of Casino and Heat, even when I`m viewing the image in it`s original 2.35:1 and not zooming it to fill the screen.

Is there something wrong with my tv, or is DVD just not high enough res to stand being blown up large. DVD, like TV broadcasts, has never looked to be particularly sharp to me (as a photographer I like my images sharp), but it`s looked better in shops than this...

Any advice would be appreciated.



RE: Which to buy. Toshiba 210 or Pioneer 444 ?

I have a tosh 210. The picture quality is excellent on my JVC tv. The sound is pretty good with films as well, but quite poor with CDs (no bass - sounds edgy and harsh). My Marantz CD-52 MkII (bought 1994 for c. £150) beats it hands down!

As for the drive, I think it`s noisy. I haven`t compared it to other DVD players, but if they`re all this noisy then manufacturers should get their act together. What`s the point of a noisless digital technology if it`s accompanied by a mechanical hiss?


RE: Is the toshiba210 Dvd player video friendly ?

No but does a `macrovision disabled` (ie no copy protection) multi-region mod which allows you to archive DVDs to video.

However I`ve heard that not all VCRs are compatible with this mod (the Techtronics mod 210 comes with a list of compatible recorders), so I`m going to email techtronics to make sure the 210s compatible with my video.

I`ve not found any other outlets that do this player macrovision disabled. Does anyone know of anywhere else as Techtronics are out of stock of the silver version atm?


RE: Hitachi widescreens and

The 90 days warranty doesn`t bother me that much. I could always purchase some kind of third party insurance...

I`ve read all the reviews, but I don`t really trust reviews... I trust end users far more. Does anyone have one of these TVs?

Hitachi widescreens and has the following tv`s advertised:

Hitachi: C36WF830N £999.99
Hitachi: C36WF810N £949.99
Hitachi: C32WF810N £679.99

Does anyone own any of the TVs? If so I`d be grateful for any feedback. I`ve given up on the idea of buying a Toshiba 36ZP18P (1500 ouch), although I`m sure my credit card company would love it.

They seem to get pretty good reviews and I`ve seen the C36WF830N in a few shops and the picture quality looks good if not up to the standards of the Toshiba 36ZP18P and Sony KV-36FS70...

Also has anyone bought from Are they reliable?

Thoughts appreciated,



Toshiba 36ZP18P vs Sony KV-36FS70


Toshiba 36ZP18P vs Sony KV-36FS70

Has anyone had a good chance to compare these two machines?

I saw the two alongside in Allders (rip off prices!) and with DVD the Sony`s picture looked marginally sharper, although indistinguishable in terms of brightness/contrast/geometry. However the Tosh was connected using the s-video from a toshiba sd2109, whereas the Sony was connected using the RGB scart output from a Sony DVPS735S, so this wasn`t really a fair comparison especially as the Tosh has component inputs. The sales guy looked at me like I was from another planet when I suggested I hook the Sony DVD player up to the Tosh using the scart to compare results...

From a (poorish) analogue broadcast signal, the picture looked identical...

So, was the sharper DVD image I was seeing due to DRC or just a better player with a better connection?

Thoughts appreciated....
