Info and forum posts by 'Pixie Sox'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 16th December 2001, 21:08, Last used: Sunday, 16th December 2001, 21:08

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 1 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Can PS2 play region 1 DVDs?

Hello. I am very new to this so please bear with me... I bought the DVD Region X thingy, and I`ve tried playing a region 1 dvd and its in black and white. Can I fix this by simply getting a RGB scart lead or is the problem with my TV? You see Im not sure if its NTSC compatible. It is only 2 years old or so and is widescreen, its not the best known or expensive of brands though.... Any ideas or suggestions most greatfully received. thanks in advance.