Info and forum posts by 'Porkpie'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 25th July 2000, 12:27, Last used: Friday, 2nd September 2016, 16:50

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 3 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: attn Nelley


I really really wish Scan could -

A - Answer the phone and actually put you through to who you ask for instead of cutting you off, or take a message then not bother not phoning you back.

B - Sort out refunds for the DVD players and inform Mrs Rajah that we dont need to pay for pickups on these damn players

C - Give all of us poor buggers with these dud players some form of compensation for all this damn hassle.

I`ve now phoned Scan 10 times in one day and been etiher cut off or put on hold for over 5 minutes.

My player is fooked, I`ve forked out £180 on the basis of DVD reviewers review, and I am getting really really p***ed off.

Why can the importer for the damn players actually sort my problems out though it requires a visit to Northholt, which isnt exactly handy, but hey he`ll change the drive unit, upgrade the bios and actually show me that it works, but Scan cant answer the phone.

Answers on a postcard, or back of Scan invoice.



Seen as how I cant get a sensible answer out of Scan, Ill try here...

How come the so called 3rd batch of fixed players came without a SCART lead, but included a SVHS to SCART convertor?? Is that the problem solved?? Also my new batch player seems to play everything very very quietly and playing with the dynamic range makes not one iota of a difference??

I am supposedly meant to end this back to SCAN at my own expense, haha, yeah right. I eagerly await the 4th batch due in next week to the importer who I now seem to be dealing with as opposed to Scan, who havent got a clue about customer relations.

Im really sorry I ever read the review on this page as I`m down a £180 for a dud player, that Ill never get a refund on. :(

Oh and forgot to mention the god awful noise it makes when the disc spins up...flymo anyone!!!

This item was edited on Sunday, 17th September 2000, 10:46

RE: Problems with Scan sc2000

Errr hang on your paying Scan to pick up what is a defective player???

Surely Scan should be recalling the faulty batch and re-issuing them when the new players arrive.

I have emailed Nilesh at Scan twice so far as suggested on the newsgroups as I have no intention of being sold short. Sale of goods blah blah etc.

I wonder whether DVD reviewer will get involved with this as they seem to have some influence with Scan?
