Info and forum posts by 'colinb9'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 14th February 2002, 22:24, Last used: Thursday, 14th February 2002, 22:24

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: FRee Dvd In shun 2moro

How can they say on the one hand `free DVD for every reader` then add at the foot of the page `Offer available while stocks last`.

A contradiction surely.

Game Sale

Picked up Interview With A Vampire SE in the Carlisle store. It was priced at £9.99 with 30% off but when put through the till it was £7.99 less the 30% so £5.59.

Also noticed they are doing 2 for £25 including

Gangs of New York
Catch Me If You Can

RE: Britannia DVD members - kill off your commitments : cheap CDs !

I`ve just ordered 3 CDs to complete my commitment.

I clicked on special but they`re not showing as purchases on my Purchase History.

Is this because I shouldn`t have clicked special or is it because my Purchase History hasn`t been updated.

Does anyone know if and how I cancel my order, I don`t want to spend 20 quid if its not gonna kill off those commitments.

Any thoughts.

RE: Harry Potter @


I`ve ordered from Future Entertainment and will live with Sorcerer instead of Philosopher.

Harry Potter @

This site are advertising the Philosophers Stone at $16.89 which by my reckoning comes to less than £12 (and free shipping I think).

Has anyone any previous dealings with them.

Also, I haven`t got any Region 1 DVDs and I noticed a previous comment on this site that quality of playback of Region 1s isn`t as good as region 2s over here. Is this really noticable.

Appreciate any comments.

Collectors Edition DVDs £9.99 @ dvdstreet

They have the usual discs for this price range but also in there are

Line of Fire (C.E.)
Jumanji (C.E.)
Groundhog Day (C.E.)
Dr Strangelove (S.E.)

P& P is £1.00 no matter the sizo of the order.

Has anyone bought from here before?

RE: Terminator S.E and others for £9.99

Thanks mate.

Got Terminator yesterday - ordering by telephone. £1.00 p&p

RE: Erin Brockovich for a fiver delivered from.....PC World (no, really)

Just been too my local store (Carlisle). They didn`t have Erin Brockovich or Gandhi, but I picked up Gods & Monsters for £4.99. They also had Moonraker and others.