Info and forum posts by 'cheekymonkeyman'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 11th July 2002, 11:25, Last used: Thursday, 11th July 2002, 11:25

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 16 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Woolworths 3 DVDs For A Score !!!!

free,if the zoo-keepers aren`t looking................

RE: Frailty for 6.99 at cdwow

OH no..........
When did this happen,I purchased a few DVDs the other day and was still able to pay by £s?

RE: Frailty for 6.99 at cdwow

Yeh,i`ve used that link before,I was just wondering if there was something specific that you were doing,as I fancied using it on the Hong Kong site. :)

RE: Frailty for 6.99 at cdwow

How do you manage to get a £1 discount each time,for being a member?
I`m a member and haven`t received this before???

RE: For Sale: A.I. - Region 2 - 2 Disc

No mate,sorry,already flogged,you`ll be lucky to pick up the 2 disc for that anyway.

RE: For Sale: Series 7 - The Contenders.Region 1 Swap/Sale

No thanks mate,snoozed my way through it first time round...

For Sale: Series 7 - The Contenders.Region 1 Swap/Sale

Series 7 - The Contenders.Region 1 Swap/Sale

Anyone interested in the above title,let me know

RE: LOTR 4 disc £15.84 inc P & P !!!!

Cheers Clayts,i`ve been checking on the DVDSoon website off and on for the price to appear.Just received Royal Tenenbaums(Criterion 2 Disc) from them and they are a good company.Just placed my order for LOTR,at that price i don`t mind waiting,won`t get it any quicker over here anyway.
Incidently Roger,i think the extra disc,is just the Doccumentry from the History channel(?),which,i for one,am not too fussed about and don`t even get me started on book-ends!! :o)

RE: For Sale: A.I. - Region 2 - 2 Disc

Ok.Cheers for that,but i`m actually looking to trade the item,not really after your critique,thanks for your more than useful input though.

For Sale: A.I. - Region 2 - 2 Disc

I`m flogging or willing to swop the above title,any offers?

RE: For Sale: DVD`s for sale

It goes on eBay for about £6-£7,how does £7.50 inc P&P grab you?

RE: For Sale: DVD`s for sale

How much would you take for High Fidelity?