Info and forum posts by 'spazwankle'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 14th July 2002, 00:50, Last used: Monday, 13th June 2011, 19:15

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

DDDHouse cart problem

Heyhey all

Just going to order Uzumaki from DDDhouse, but whenever I go to cart, a ton of random items that I never even looked at gets added.

I change their quantities to 0 (since there is no way to simply remove them), and recalculate, and it either goes normal, or adds some different random items (couple of times, I just get a strange symbol DVD which costs $0).

So, is this a usual problem?

It makes me a bit nervous to continue when I do get the order I want, incase I get charged and sent a bunch of random DVDs I didn`t order.

Is this a problem with the site? or should I be more paranoid? (someone is going to steel my credit card!!!! or someone is buying strange DVDs for me!!!!!! :))

So is DDDhouse having some problems?
Or is it a problem at my end?

Any help soon would be much appreciated


This item was edited on Friday, 29th November 2002, 22:55

RE: 5.1 hookup problem

I think it must be that my amp is set up to take a "decoded" 5.1 signal and feed it seperatly, I`m pretty sure it is a 5.1 amp, since it does have the option to listen to 5.1 sound.

But I am a poor student, and can`t really afford a new amp :)

About how much is one of these seperate decoders? and where could I get one from?

I am guessing the decoder would take the six seperate phono inputs from the amp, and then the decoder would connect up to my DVD player with the coxial cable from a digital audio input? (Oooooo I sound smart :))

Thanks for the help you guys are giving :)

5.1 hookup problem

I am probably gonna get laughed off the forum for missing something obvious here :) but I really can`t get my head round this.

I have a Toshiba SD-2109E DVD player and a Sony TA-VE150 amp, with 5 speakers and a woofer. Had the setup for about a year, set to 2CH sound, because I couldn`t be bothered setting up anything else. Until now :)

This is the problem...

In my DVD manuel, it says that for 5.1 sound you need a coxial cable from the Bitstream/PCM socket, to the Digital Audio Input socket on the amp.

But my amp doesn`t seem to have a Digital Audio Input socket. In the amp manuel, it says that for 5.1 sound, you need to connect up all the speakers seperatly, from the amp to the speaker sockets on the DVD player (sockets which my DVD player doesn`t have).

Does that make sense?

I have a cable for 5.1 sound from my DVD player that doesn`t go any where, and I have an load of cables for 5.1 sound from my amp that don`t go anywhere.

I am confused. Which manuel is telling the truth? Do I need an extra piece of kit (would this be a Dolby Digital AC-3 decoder)? Am I missing something obvious? Should I be beaten for not knowing the simple connecting methods of 5.1 sound? Am I going insane?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


RE:, any opinions?

Can I take it that from the lack of replies that nobody really knows anything aboot 852star?

Anyone?, any opinions?


Looking through the asain retailers and came across, which had Dark Water for $9, which is bloody cheap :)

So I`m just wondering if any of you good people have an opinion of them, how have they been for you in the past?

reliable? terrible? fast shipping? take your money and run?

Any help would be appreciated, cheers

Army of Darkness: Bootleg Edition

Heyhey there

Got Army of Darkness the other day, expecting the "original ending" would be the one with Ash at S-Mart. But unfortunatly for me, the original ending is the one I had previously seen, with Ash waking up in the future.

Can`t really complain since the film is class, but it`s just one of those nagging things, and probably one of the main reasons I bought the DVD. I would love to see what the S-Mart ending was like.


Is there any place on the net where I could possible download that S-Mart ending? don`t know if that is possible, but surely there must be something like this??!!

Anyone please have any ideas? Or is this illegal stuff that I shouldn`t be posting about?

Any help would be much appreciated.


P.S Shaolin Soccer kicks ass :)

DVD queries

Heyhey all

Just created an account so I could ask you good people a few questions :)

Firstly, I saw that a couple of you mentioned in the "DVD Backlog" that you have copies of Shaolin Soccer. Could somebody give me directions to a site that sells it please? I`ll must see this film.

Or if you ain`t gonna watch it Clayts, I`ll buy it off you :)

Secondly, I saw in a DVD mag an entry for Akira being released in November for about £40. Any know what this disc will be? since I can`t find any info on it.

Third, is there any news on Army of Darkness being released on R2? or should I just give up and buy the R1 bootleg edition?

And lastly, I hear that the Ring Trilogy is being re-released on July 22. Any news on that? since I am now quite peaved after buying all three films a couple of days ago. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr :)

Any help from you good good (good) people would be much appreciated :)

