Info and forum posts by 'Joseph Crofts'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 5th September 2002, 21:11, Last used: Thursday, 5th September 2002, 21:11

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: New to DVD - be gentle

This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: DVDR880 - hacked but problems


I no longer have the coloured line... I got myself a philips widescreen (see before in this thread) and the lines disappeared... didn`t change the hack or the DVDR - just the TV... unless you, like me, have a portable TV connected to your DVDR then you may not get the problem....

Good luck


RE: DVDR880 - hacked but problems

Anyway... I hacked it using the Philips 750 hack I found in this site. Take note of the:

NOTE: For players such as the Philips DVDR-980, DVDR-985 and DVDR-1000 units, you will need to use the code 121 212 005 255 instead.

note as this is the number you need.

When you put the code into the 1forall remote you won`t get all 12 digits.. keep typing anyway, it does work.

RE: DVDR880 - hacked but problems

Stranger are the workings of the female mind (particularly my girlfriends)

She wanted a DVD player and a video recorder... convincing her a DVD recorder was just as good was easy....

convincing her that the portable we had wasn`t as good as a 28" widescreen... impossible... thank god it went up in smoke :)

RE: DVDR880 - hacked but problems

Strange (probably not if you know about these things)... I just got a new TV (upgraded from my little portable to a 28" Philips widescreen) and the lines have gone... I assume that the lines were something to do with the format of the Region 1 DVDs not playing properly on my little BUSH portable... anyway, there you go...

RE: Philips DVDR-880 Multiregion Hack Please........

I hacked my DVDR-880 using the hack for the Philips DVD-750 (I used the One4All 6 remote and the code 121 212 005 255 - don`t worry that there aren`t that many dashes shown on the front panel when you go through the 750 hack, just keep typing and it works).

I did find a slight problem. When playing Region 1 films only I get a set of lines across the very top of the screen. There are two of each colour (R,G,B) and they are really thin lines. Once the film starts you don`t notice them and they don`t appear on Region 2 or DVDs recorded on the machine.

I posted on this forum about the lines but got nothing back so I assume that either there is no fix or, an this one is a lot less likely, I am the first mug to try to hack my DVDR-880.....

DVDR880 - hacked but problems


I have made my new Philips DVDR880 multiregion using the hack for the Philips DVD-750.

The functionality of the machine (i.e. recording, playing region 2) is all fine, and it can play region 1. However, if I play a region 1 DVD I now get a set of coloured lines on the top of the screen.

The code I used from the One4All remote was:

121 212 005 255

Anybody got any ideas. It isn`t too bad and I can live with it if I must, but would rather it was perfect....
