Info and forum posts by 'Shaun'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 9th September 2000, 09:33, Last used: Saturday, 9th September 2000, 09:33

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 172 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.14 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Castaway r1 release date

errm my copy of cast away arrived two weeks ago from movietyme for £16.99. awesome film & excellent dvd btw :-)

This item was edited on Thursday, 7th June 2001, 18:22

RE: is dts much better than dolby digital 5.1

IMO it depends how well the sound is mastered . I have DD discs that sound better than dts and visa versa but kevos right there aint much difference even if you played 2 evenly mastered discs side by side in either format.


RE: Where can i Buy a Aiwa 370 dvd player?

i think richer sounds are selling them in silver ?!?!

Failing that i have one with six months warrenty left on it you can have for £150.00.


RE: Toshiba 210E

The 210 & the 200 are completly different machines. Toshiba have used cheaper components but added more software features hence the build and quality will be different.

In fact if anything the 210 replaces the 100 .

This is a great sub £250.00 player the best available at the moment until we see what the Hitachi 515 is like.


RE: Green Mile 10 shawshank redemption 9

"Thats because its about opinions, and they are like arseholes! we all have one! except politicians............I think they have several!"

Nah they just use everyone elses :-)

BTW Shawshank beats green mile for the simple reason that it stays within the boundaries of reality.

Both good films tho..


RE: Best DVD Review Magazine??????

I buy empire for my reviews of films as i usually find if its out or comming out at the cinema here it`ll be available on R1 shortly after that or sometimes before.


RE: Hitachi DVP515E is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will it Rock!

Shame no dvd-audio looks nice but how does it handle tho...?!?!:-)

Tosh SD500E is da Bollox!!!

DVD-Audio Rocks !!!


RE: Hang on... I`ve already got 5 speakers...


I cant see you being able to use the tv`s front and left the reciever/amp. If was you i`d be looking to use the 2 surround as front left and right and keep the centre as it is.

Even if you did manage to wire the audio from the amp to the scart ( which sounds like a very dangerous exerise to me) the audio in the tv will only be looking for a signal to convert to stereo and not use the left and right internal speakers as SEPERATE channels. which is what u are looking to achieve.

I am not a techie its just my opinion.


RE: ***SPOILER*** Don`t read this if you haven`t seen the Mummy Returns

Damn.... i thought this thread said read this if you haven`t seen the Mummy Returns :-)


RE: URGENT message for ALL ABSound users

Cheers for that ..right who`s cc shall i use first :-P

RE: Grainy Picture - Advise


I have the Panasonic DK1 and i have the same or a similar problem to this. Its like a clear noise/snow which is over "the picture" and blurs the finer details. Its most noticable when you get a sheet of colouring especially in animations but on mine it dosnt matter if its black , could be green or blue, red,yellow ....whatever.

I have two players ..The toshiba 500e and the aiwa 370 and it makes no difference what player i use its exactly the same. I have tried nearly every disc out of a collection of 100+ R1 & R2`s its the same on all of them. no disc is worse or better than the other.

Its not the scart My qed rgb special edition arrive yesterday and although it cleared up some other problems it did`nt cure this.

i am no techie but my theory is that either the av input on the telly is kanckered or the tube is degrading in some way or even the noise reduction chip in the telly is gone. as i say its theory.

BTW i have had this telly/ setup for about 8 months and have noticed this in the last week or so. So either dvd`s have been s*** picture all this time and my eyes have just come back in to focus or its the tv.

Anyway i rent this so i have an engineer arriving tommorrow who i guess will know nothing about the panasonic and will just order a replacement (here`s hoping).

I`ll let you know how i get on.


This item was edited on Friday, 18th May 2001, 14:53

RE: Are expensive scarts worth the extra ?

Mike it all depends..if i was going to get a further improvment to my picture thru it then i`d spend it. regardless of the cost of player. The improvement might even save me spending money on an upgrade to a mid or high range player.

The other advantage of qed is that they come boxed and not in sealed packets like other leads so you could buy it try it if it improves then keep it ..if not send it back as no longer required harm no foul.


RE: Are expensive scarts worth the extra ?

IMO yes but if your going to invest in scarts go the whole hog and get the QED and if you have an amp then go a step further and get the rgb special edition. These cut out audio and other usless connections to keep the video signal as clean as possible.They are £42.00 from hifibitz delivered .

i had a £15.00 oxygen free gold plated shealded ribbon jobbie before this one but the difference even between these two is amazing .

Hope this helps


RE: Teletubbies DVD for any region got the region 2 teletubbies dvd for £11.00 under their offers page they are quick , reliable and trustworthy.

hope this helps


RE: DVD Reviewers fighting cancer ! PLEASE READ

i`m signed up .. i`m 24/7 most of the time so i hope i can contibute a fair bit of those uncostly cpu cycles

Charities that dont ask for money ROCK!!!!!


RE: Futureent blatently rip us off!

Hi Victor here :-P

"unbeknown to me that as we were speaking on the phone he had the goods in his hand & had already viewed the item. So referring to his comments of going in one door & spotting a cheaper price & bringing it to our attention before going out the second door is complete nonsense"

this call happened on tuesday arrived wednesday so how i can be in possesion of the film and have watched it by 11.00am tuesday is beyond me

"He was never told tough luck, or abused with foul langague or sustained any other abuse by myself or by anyone at this company"

I never mention anywhere in this thread that they swore or used bad langauge.

" if he could not take the time to look on the sales pages before purchasing from the main shopping cart than he could hardly hold us responsible if he had bought from the main shopping cart at a slightly dearer price"

sounds pretty much like TOUGH LUCK to me and also proves the whole point of what i have been saying all the way through.

So much for the official version haggis mate more like the other side of the argument which if you read into it properly they still could`nt give a s***.

BTW i emailed this link to Futureent so if they wanted to come here and put their side across they`ve had the opportunity to come here all week and do so....Shows how much they care when they have to get you to do it for em ..i bet you asked em for a discount in your next order if ya did did`nt ya .

the problem these e-tailers have is that their is a small minority of brown noses who lick their arses when thay get a disc on time and/or at the right price and call it good sevice when they forget that thats what EVERY CUSTOMER should get EVERY time they they order. (not naming any names of course)


This item was edited on Saturday, 28th April 2001, 10:28

RE: Futureent blatently rip us off!

te tum

This item was edited on Wednesday, 25th April 2001, 20:41

RE: Futureent blatently rip us off!

Ello Haggis

1st point ..why should i have to look thru every page on a web site to seee if i can find an item £3.00 cheaper. if the company invested properly in the web which is its main source of income in the first place they would have an active server database, instead of a cheap cgi script search facility which they cant be arsed to keep track of or updated. This situation would NEVER have ocurred .

Its not because they want people to order from different pages this has happened...its because they cant be bothered to update and maintain their site in the first place.

2nd point i already stated i dont need the £3.00

3rd point YEAH i reckon if i spent £100 -£150 with them since whenever if they expect me to stay loyal as a customer and keep spending, a bit of service when somethings not right wou`d`nt go a miss.

After all that £3.00 has cost them all my future orders and anyone who knows me on these forums will tell you thats a s***load of dvd`s and a s***load of margin for them.

"without Futurent..the personal import world would be a poorer place" - What a load of absolute bollox ..i know of 2 companies that have started up that knock futureent out of the water. NO company is indispensible.

Why dont YOU bother to read the title of the thread it says "Futureent blatently rip us off!" IMO they do if they charge one customer one price and another customer a lower price for exactly the same product or service then they are f**king robbers. no 2 ways about it. but i vever said they dont deliver or slate their service.

The reason why i posted is two fold

1. because i have enjoyed doing business with futureent up until this incedent but wont be able to any longer due to their short sightedness IMO

2. To warn you lot that the "success" of this company might be going to their heads a bit and they are possibly losing the value of their customer and their attitude to service may be slipping.... not unlike others such as play and movietyme.



ps Aiwa 370 Rocks with a yammy A5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pps. A star is born is for the missus and if YOU could be bothered to look you`d see this is the same with other discs on the site, such as saving private ryan DTS £17.99 one page £13.99 on another order for £17.99 then be told to F**k off when you see it for £13.99 and see how it feels. :-P

This item was edited on Wednesday, 25th April 2001, 20:48

RE: Futureent blatently rip us off!

"This story has tarnished their growing reputation in my eyes a little, but I shall still hit their website once a week "

The way they spoke with me on the phone it wont be the last horror story you`ll here..they are obviously a victim of their own success and have far to many customers to worry about the odd one or two.

What p***es me off is i found these guys in jan when as far as i know they were just starting out and trying to gather customers thru the newsgroups etc and as i stated above have spent a fair bit ever since. If they want loyalty from their customers which they will once more and more e-tailors creep out of the woodwork they will hopefully treat them all equally.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 24th April 2001, 20:55

RE: Futureent blatently rip us off!

You are right they are bloody good prices but they should update thier site so that the same disc is priced the same under all sections.

At the moment its just "pot luck" if you know every page of the site or pick the right page you might get it cheaper and if you dont then its "tough luck".

clayts as an ex trading standards officer what the story with this one?


Futureent blatently rip us off!

A star is born is for sale for 3 different prices depending on which page you go to. Under A its £13.99 , under S its £17.99 and under their sale section its £10.99.

Having ordered it for £13.99 on sunday and after browsing the sale section last night and finding the same disc for the cheaper price i phoned them today and was told tough luck.

apparently its up to us to look thru every page on their web site before we place our orders to check its not cheper in a different section. i`m just glad i did`nt order it from the "s" section and get stung for £17.99.

I also asked if this was available for £10.99 on sunday when i ordered and they said yes !

I dont know about you lot but they are making an extra £3.00 for sending out the exact same disc which takes the exact same amount of effort.

I know if i walked into woolies thru one door and bought a disc for £13.99 and left thru another door seeing the same disc for £3.00 cheaper they`d refund the difference.

BTW i dont need the £3.00 but it a matter of principle..i`ve spent £100 - £150 quid with this firm since i found them early this year and for them to just say tough luck ..well business must be good



Billy Elliot pre-order £11.85 delivered !!!


Go here register to get your £5.00 amazon gift voucher when it arrives 24 hours later pre-order for £11.85 including p&p

Hope this helps


RE: Series 7 Friends - Warner Bros. T*SSERS

I would`nt even waste the video tape on them. once they`ve screened on E4 they`ll go to sky..then to C4 then repeated on E4 then sky then C4 by this time you`ll be sick to the high teeth cos this series is crap anyway.

RE: Alien (Box Set) for £34.99 delivered!!! Be quick - ends midnight 19/01/01

I had a serious word with customer services last week and they promised to honour the £35.00 even though they cancelled.
Their argument to me was that the price was only valid "while stocks last" so i pointed out that it was in stock when i ordered it.

I also pointed out that according to their terms and conditions once an email confirmation of the order has been sent by gameplay the contract has been created and is inforcable by either party.

I`ve just got an email informing me its now been shipped and checked with my cc and they`ve only charged £34.99 so it looks like they came good in the end.


RE: Videologic Digitheatre (Non DTS)

you can have mine for £150.00 inc delivery ..its 3 months old the only thing you will need to buy is your own speaker cable (which you will have to any way cos the cable that comes with it is cak! ) .

nuahs[at]ku.oc.xba if your interested


RE: Jimbo Can You help Me!

I agree with jimbo i went thru 3 tellys (i rent) before i settled happily with the panasonic 32" DK1.


RE: KENWOOD 7030D LOW VOLUME Frequently Asked Questions

6.10 Why is the audio level so low from my DVD player?
Well in truth it`s not the audio level from the DVD that`s too low, it`s everything else that`s higher. I know this is a horribly generic answer, But here is the reason.
Movie soundtracks are extremely dynamic in nature, ranging from near silences to very loud bangs :-). In order to support an increased dynamic range and hit the peaks as was originally intended without distortion, the average sound level must far lower then most other equipment. This is why the line volume from DVD players is substantially lower than almost any other home cinema source such as a Video or CD Player.

there u go that should answer your question


RE: Alien (Box Set) for £34.99 delivered!!! Be quick - ends midnight 19/01/01

I see £35.00 cash for the boxset exchanged for £69.00 of woolies and mvc vouchers ;-)


RE: Aiwa 370 - Audio CD playback seems loud??

this is probably because the sound level of a dvd is different than other inputs such as tv, cd audio etc.

"Movie soundtracks are extremely dynamic in nature, ranging from near silences to very loud bangs :-). In order to support an increased dynamic range and hit the peaks as was originally intended without distortion, the average sound level must far lower then most other equipment. This is why the line volume from DVD players is substantially lower than almost any other home cinema source such as a Video or CD Player."
... as quoted from the faq

the simple answer is turn your tv down when switching from dvd to tv or cd audio.

Hope this helps

Aiwa 370 Rocks!!!

Yammie A5 BOOMS !!!
