Info and forum posts by 'HardHank'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 23rd September 2000, 16:18, Last used: Saturday, 23rd September 2000, 16:18

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Ckeck out my site:

This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Wharfedale 750s Review

I have the middle wharefedale with the new firmware and extra led, the picture is beyond reproach on the wharfy no artifacts, no skipping.

The wharfedale is comparabel to the output of a DXR-3 on a TV, but even sharper and more bold.

RE: impressed thatll be the daewoo

The wharfedale is the same price as the daewoo and shows no signs of degradation no matter the DVD you watch. I had the daewoo for one day and took it straight back.

What wharfedale do I have???

Just got a wharfedale yesterday which has DTS5.1, now I read somewhere that only the new 750s have this feature, but no where on the player or box does it have 750s.

The picture is excellent 10 times better than the daewoo dhc2200k I bought last week, haven`t got any region 1 at the moment but my R2`s play like a dream.

BTW any chance of getting a one for all remote that is compatible with the wharfedale???

What remote hack should I use the original or the 750s one???

RE: Does the Daewoo DHC2200 use software decoding???

I`ve already got my refund the quality of picture was beyond belief, I had already tried the S-video and rgb they made no difference how this could pass as a DVD player is beyond me I`ve seen better Div-X movies.

RE: Does the Daewoo DHC2200 use software decoding???

I was only using the term software decoding to try and give an idea of the picture I am receiving from the Daewoo.

The Daewoo output is no where near as good as my PC using my DXR 3 outputting to my TV.

Here`s my setup:

QDI ADVANCE 5/133E Bios V1.1SLC Mar 10 2000
128MB PC-100 Synchronous SDRAM CAS-2
Guillemont 3D Prophet 32MB AGP
Sound Blaster Live Value
PlexWriter 12/10/32A
18.2gb Maxtor Diamond 36 UDMA 66
Creative DXR3 + 6 x DVD-ROM
CTX VL950ST 19" Monitor

Does the Daewoo DHC2200 use software decoding???

I have noticed that the playback from my DAEWOO DHC200 resembles that of watching a DVD via PowerDVD (Software Decoder) on my PC. I`m noticing artifacts in the background which I only see when using powerDVD, when I use the DXR 3 (hardware decoder) these artifacts do not appear.

Are all cheap players using software decoding instead of hardware???

When I enable digital output on the daewoo diagonal lines appear across the front of my TV.

I have it in RGB mode as default and have now disabled digital out, when I do get the right audio equipment for DD5.1 will these lines reappear???