Info and forum posts by 'Jayan'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 24th January 2003, 22:51, Last used: Monday, 28th March 2011, 14:17

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 3 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Sound Problems with Philips TV

Thanks everybody for all the help :)

I`ve fiddled around with all the settings, using the suggestions posted, & I have big improvements now. The worst sound before was on the TV-out from my pc. That usually goes through the vcr, but when I put it directly into the scart on the TV, it sounds pretty much ok with my new settings. The same with playback on the video (although I don`t know why the pc wont play correctly through the video!!)

I`m still having problems with the normal TV stations though. I get it to sound ok by changing the settings yet again, then switch channels & its back to terrible again. Sometimes I can`t get it to sound right at all.

On `Millionaire` tonight, I ended up watching it on the portable in the kitchen, because of the background music they play. When I sit right next to the TV I can hear sort of popping sounds coming from one of the front speaker panels, as if someone was stood too close to a microphone, & its those noises that I hear, & which bother me when I`m sat on the opposite side of the room, together with the resonance thing I mentioned before.

I`m guessing that there`s nothing wrong with the TV, since files played from the PC are now ok. So could I have a faulty lead somewhere? Or anything else that`s causing this?

The only other thing I thought of, is that I live really close to a TV mast. I don`t know what its called, but I have a little metal rod attached to the TV ariel to reduce the signal, as its too strong - it used to interfere with cable channels and gave a fuzzy picture on video playback. Could the strong signal be affecting the sound?

Sorry this post is so long, but I`d really appreciate it if anyone has any ideas :)

RE: Sound Problems with Philips TV

Thanks for the reply :) It is definitely worse with the spatialiser thingamybob on - but it`s pretty bad even when I force it into mono.

Looks like I`ve just been unlucky and have a faulty set then.

I thought it was strange that everyone preferred Nicam TV`s if this is what they sound like!

Sound Problems with Philips TV

Hello, first post here :)

I just bought a Philips pw6006 28" TV. I`ve never had a stereo TV before, in fact, I`ve never even owned a new TV before!

I`m amazed by the picture - it`s about 1000 times better than my old Goldstar 19", but I`m having a lot of trouble with the sound.

It`s a little hard to describe, other than there`s a sort of deep resonance - a bit like a radio that`s not quite tuned in correctly. I`ve managed to get the voices sounding just about ok, by turning the bass right down, & the treble up. But any theme tunes (eg Coronation Street tonight) or background music in films sound awful.

If I go onto any of the presets; theatre, voice, music etc then it`s just about unbearable - the noise goes right through you unless the volume`s so low that I can`t hear what people are saying.

I don`t know much about this sort of stuff, but I wondered whether the problem might be that I have a mono VCR wired up to the TV, so I put the outside ariel straight into the TV with nothing else connected, but it was just as bad.

Pre-recorded VHS tapes also sound terrible. I`ve ordered a Philips DVD player (I never had one before) which hasn`t arrived yet, but I`m thinking that with this TV any DVD is going to sound terrible too :(

I ordered both of these items online, based on reviews I read all over the place, as I`m disabled, so I couldn`t get to a shop to look at them myself.

So, is it likely that the TV`s faulty, or have I just not got the settings right?

Any help or advice would be very much appreciated. TIA

*EDIT* Or is this how it should be? Is this what stereo means & I need to accept it?

This item was edited on Friday, 24th January 2003, 23:07