Info and forum posts by 'dawson50701'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 9th May 2003, 13:12, Last used: Friday, 9th May 2003, 13:12

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: I love films

This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Freeway - R1 £5.87

How do you know it is the unrated version?

Damn i love this film !

RE: Ring 0

Look on ebay, each title of the ring trilogy goes for no less than 12.00

Times this by 3 and you get 36 pounds

Why not buy the boxset and then flog the titles seperately?

You`ll make your money back , therefore getting a free 3 dvd boxset

Bargain !


Oh and as to play, why not ring them and ask them the street date for the ring trilogy boxset?

RE: Ring 0

I don`t think it will be cheap anywhere.

It`s on the Tartan label, which are usually pretty expensive.

I know it can go for 13.99 at and


While surfing around the net i found this out.

Ring 1 and Ring 2 and Ring 0 for 24.99

just over 8 pounds a dvd.

I think that`s a bargain.

Now say thank you.

RE: takeshi fans

Boiling Point is takeshi kitano`s worst film though.

Sonatine and violent cop are very good.

RE: Blockbuster Sale 80% off!!!!

Ha ha

Went into another blockbuster`s that i passed, got

Dead or alive (Miike Takeshi) - 3.98
Les Diaboliques - 4.98
L`ennui - 4.98
Code Unkown - 4.98
The Hairdressers Husband - 3.98
Matador - 3.98

All original DVD`s , on the tartan label so if the film is not very good i can sell them on ebay for bucketloads.
Plus. the thing is with buying foreign films from this blockbuster sale, is that they`ve hardly been rented out so it`s like buying a brand new dvd.

*Bargain ! *

RE: Blockbuster Sale 80% off!!!!

Just popped into my local store got these beauties :

Bangkok Dangerous (excellent thai film) - 2.98
Unfaithful (Brand new) - 4.98
Tigerland - 3.98
Artificial Intelligence - 3.98
Das Experiment - 4.98
Tennage Caveman (Messed up larry clark film) - 2.98
The Centre Of The World - 2.98
Evolution - 2.98

Just over 25 pounds for 8 good movies, and bearing in mind these are all dvd`s, i`d call that a bargain.

And they were still pricing up other dvd`s while i was in there.

Will pop back in tomorrow

RE: Terminator 2 (2 disc) £7.99!!!!

Actually you can pick this up for just 7 pounds from your nearest music zone.

Now that`s a bargain since i consider T2 to be the best action pic of all time

Exorcist - Version You`ve Never Seen Before - £6.99p

Was in virgin today doing the 5 for 30 pounds offer, and looking around and i came across the new version of the original exorcist for 6.99, this is the version with the infamous `spiderwalk` and 11 minutes of new scenes. Anyway, this is a good price considering the old version of this is 12.99 in Virgin.
This is definitley a cock-up on their half as i asked an assistant about it.
Anyway, i got my copy.
and some very tasty titles on the 5 for 30 pounds offer