Info and forum posts by 'Stuart McLean'

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Joined on: Monday, 20th October 2003, 12:53, Last used: Wednesday, 24th July 2013, 16:02

Access Level: Reviewer

About this user: I`ve spent over 30 years as a Producer/Director of commercial video and film. I hope to bring some of the `insiders` insight this gives me to my reviews, without blinding anyone with irrelevant technical and creative detail. I`m happy to review anything that moves, though I particularly like old British Comedies, Hammer Horror movies, and `60`s and `70`s TV. I guess I prefer to stay off the well-trodden path of the Hollywood mainstream and lurk in the often imperfect world of sheer nostalgia. I`m married with two nearly growed up daughters and recently moved out of London to be nearer to some trees in Hampshire.

This user has posted a total of 2308 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.3 messages a day, or 2.09 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Memories of my younger days, clearly...come into my mind...

I'm about to join the Grandad club too Si. My oldest daughter (27) is having her first in April. I'm older than you though at a 'how the hell did that happen' 58.

RE: [VIDEO] The Trump Presidency

Best quote of the day: "We put a jackass in the Whitehouse".

RE: Beeb salaries

What's all this talk of the BEEB needing to compete? It doesn't. That's the whole point. Less Chris Evans and more documentaries about Bee Keeping please.

RE: What age are you guys now?

Phew! Nice one Snaps... :)

RE: What age are you guys now?

It looks like I might be the oldest around these here parts ... joined in 2003 when I was 42. If your minds are still working OK, you can probably do the math... ;)

RE: The pending pile....oooh `eck!

So seven years on ... does anyone else still have a physical media pending pile like me? It's continued to grow though I think the tide may be turning as I certainly buy less now than I once did. Maybe because I have most the stuff I want.

I guess people have Netflix 'pending piles' now but what worries me about those is that by the time you get to a bookmarked series or film, it may be gone.

RE: Metrodome go into administration

Their catalogue was very broad and, as far as independents go,  it seems as if we are in the era of the niche players ... like Arrow, Eureka, Network (perhaps) and so on. Sigh.

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th August 2016, 12:49

RE: David Bowie dead.

So saddened to hear this. The new album may make more sense now. As a life-long fan I feel genuinely numbed.

David - Where Are You Now? RIP

RE: Well worth a read

Is that a true story? I'm guessing so. Very nicely done...

RE: Susan Sheridan RIP

I knew Susan and she was a lovely lady - lived in Windsor just around the corner from our office. She did some voice-work for us and then insisted on buying lunch - unprecedented. Will be very sadly missed.

RE: [VIDEO] Thunderbirds are Go 2015 common with most CGI animation it felt more like a slightly frenetic video game. Despite the knowing winks to the original and some decent voices I gave up after 15 minutes. I'm sure kids will love it and I suppose that's its target. A bit disappointed but I think it's inevitable.

"Word Falling. Photo Falling. Breakthrough in Grey Room"

RE: Thought alcohol in low volumes was good for you?

If you reduce your alcohol intake you won't live any longer. But it sure will feel like it! ;)

RE: Great Scott!

I saw him doing a similar 'turn' at a live corporate event in the US a year or so ago. I think it's what he does now. US actors seem to have no shame in that regard. I guess they've got to eat like the rest of us..

RE: Scientists slow the speed of light

My head hurts!!! And this in the same week that someone told me about the mysteries of 'quantum entanglement'. Amazing stuff happening in science at the moment.

RE: Neil Young's snake oil music player

And after all that bluster about sound quality he had the tenacity to release an album last year called 'A Letter Home' recorded in one of those booths from the 50's where you could cut a barely audible slice of vinyl for a dime. It was utter unlistenable tosh and almost the antithesis of the product he's selling. 

He's made some great music but he really has lost the plot. If in doubt pick up his autobiography. :(

RE: [VIDEO] Thunderbirds are Go 2015

Probably a bit closer to 'One Direction' than the original Thunderbirds crew!

RE: Neil Young's snake oil music player

I used to have a huge amount of respect for Neil Young - until I read his biography. I also thought that his being a guest at the Salesforce event in SF this year was pretty tasteless but then he is next door neighbour to Mark Beniof. This whole thing smacks of him being caught up in that dreadful start-up fever that blights that neck of the woods. And he used to sing 'I aint singing for Pepsi, I aint singing for Bud - this notes for you etc'. Using the wise words of Thin Lizzy, 'Don't believe a Word'.  I'm all for great quality audio - but I won't be buying a Pono or indeed any over priced Pono tracks either.

RE: [VIDEO] Thunderbirds are Go 2015

I'd like to feel a bit more positive than I do about this. That certainly is the least exciting trailer of all time. Looks as if things haven't moved from the storyboard stage yet!

RE: Best and worst thing that happened to you in 2014

Worst was having a health scare that made me realise I'm not immortal or anything close (pretty much got the all clear now).

Best is having oldest daughter become a teacher and loving it. And younger one at Cardiff University - and loving it. 

There were some pretty cool releases this year but I guess they don't count! 

"Word Falling. Photo Falling. Breakthrough in Grey Room"

RE: 1966 Batman On The Way

Exciting news. Will they release in one big box do you think or eke it out over several? I hope they re-master from the 35mm film negs.  That would actually make it worth the very long wait! I watched the Blu-Ray upgrade of the '66 movie a week or so ago which I thoroughly enjoyed though wasn't massively impressed with the transfer. Maybe they'll re-master that properly too? It must be in the air at the moment as there's a 'Batman '66' comic book doing the rounds  and tons of Adam West related action figures suddenly available. 

"Word Falling. Photo Falling. Breakthrough in Grey Room"

RE: Lou Reed has died

Really upset to hear this.  Though his output was variable and sometimes 'difficult' he was a really creative artiste. From his work with the Velvets right through to his more recent releases, he was always 1000% more interesting and creative than most of what gets released these days. RIP Lou. You'll be sorely missed. 

"Word Falling. Photo Falling. Breakthrough in Grey Room"

RE: Looney Tunes Bargain £7 for the Complete Golden Collection

This set really is something special. The toons are great but the discs are also packed with great commentaries and featurettes. Wouldn`t want to be without it and  well worth picking up.It does occasionally dip to the sub-£25 level and at that price it`s  a steal.

"Word Falling. Photo Falling. Breakthrough in Grey Room"

RE: RIP Richard Briers

On the very same day that I posted the `Marriage Lines` review. Oh dear. Apparently as nice in real life as he appeared to be in character. RIP Richard.

"Word Falling. Photo Falling. Breakthrough in Grey Room"

RE: Margaret Oates (1931-2013) RIP

Mark - been away and just read your post. Thinking of you and your family and so saddened to hear the news. Be strong - a cliche maybe but time helps heal the pain. Remember the many many wonderful times.

"Word Falling. Photo Falling. Breakthrough in Grey Room"

RE: Bad Blu-ray transfers - avoid list

Apparently the BD of `Farscape` is not much (if any) better than the DVD set. 

"Word Falling. Photo Falling. Breakthrough in Grey Room"

RE: Happy New Year

And a most wonderful 2013 to you all!! All the very best...

Mark - the most likely answer is `dancing`. Just go with it!

"Word Falling. Photo Falling. Breakthrough in Grey Room"

This item was edited on Tuesday, 1st January 2013, 01:58

RE: Gerry Anderson RIP

Oh how awful...though all the shows were a team effort, without their visionary and Commander the world would have been a dull place. I met him twice (once interviewing him for DVD Reviewer and another time when in Pinewood with my daughters, both young un's at the time and he spent an hour showing them all his personal memorabilia in his pinewood office. It was a delight. Such a lovely bloke. 

As Mark says R.I.P. / S.I.G. / F.A.B. Gerry 

"Word Falling. Photo Falling. Breakthrough in Grey Room"

RE: Rolling Stones take the ****.

I hope people stay away in droves.The greedy old bar-stewards are just totally out of touch.

RE: Curse Of Frankenstein

Yep - I agree. Also - though something of a `slight` extra (compared to the superb documentaries included) the episode of the `Hammer` documentary series narrated by Oliver Reed is sourced from a checker-board audio master intended for re-dubbing and as a consequence the M & E track on the left drowns out the reference voice (English) on the right. It`s common practice in the video industry to provide an unmixed master as the `dipping` of M & E under the voice would naturally vary depending on the language of the new dub - longer than English original in German for example. A bit shocking that it was included un-noticed though!

[I thought you`d like this Mark as you are something of a technical anorak! ]

RE: Curse Of Frankenstein

Oh dear! It`s all so confusing.

You`re right about the enhancements on `The Devil Rides Out`. I don`t mind the `restoration` but it wasn`t until I viewed the extras (blissfully unaware till then - so you can see that they are quite `sympathtic`) that I realised, to my horror, that they had digitally `enhanced` some scenes way beyond tidying and grading - by adding effects and things like cloudscapes behind the big house. Now that is NOT ON!!

I remember watching the first releases of Gerry Anderson material on VHS where they compiled episodes into `movies` and added godawful Star Wars meets Space Invader effects into it in an attempt to modernise. `orrible. Of course they eventuallly surpassed even that with the 16:9 Blu-Ray of Thunderbirds which made the Hood look like a boiled egg with the top of his head lopped off - but I digress!