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Info and forum posts by 'toffeeslot'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 16th January 2004, 09:28, Last used: Friday, 10th June 2005, 15:59

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 24 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: SKY+ problem

Its worked a treat! Went for the planner rebuild and I`ve now got 92% free space and haven`t lost my saved shows or series links! Thanks v v much for your advice.

RE: SKY+ problem


Thanks for this - I`ll test it tonight. I hope that it doesn`t delete all saved programmes though - my wife will kill me!!!


SKY+ problem

Got a bit of an odd problem with my Sky+. Although I`ve only got about 4 programmes saved on my harddrive (just 3 half hour episodes and one 2hr film) it says I`ve only got 9% space left. This then means that everything fails when trying to record due to the fact that there is `insufficient disk space`. Three of the programmes are series links (my mrs cannot bear to miss Desperate housewives, niptuck or footballs wives!!). - is this the problem?? Anyone shed any light on this?


RE: Optical or Coaxial connection?

sorry - meant never had the luxury of a `optical digital output` before! So I`m taking it I`m sticking to the Coax then? I`m presuming it gives a better pic/sound?

When they returned to the others the Princess said: There is little doubt that my pretty piglet has been eaten by that horrid kitten, and if that is true the offender must be punished.

Optical or Coaxial connection?

I`ve just bought a new DVD player (Roksan Kandy) and it has both optical and coaxial outputs. Never having the luxury of digital output before (my previous DVD had only coaxial), I`m not sure which connection to my amp would be best? The amp has two optical connections, with one being used for Sky+. Is it best to use coaxial as before, or should I connect with optical - or use both? I`d apreciate an explanations of the benefits to both. With it being a Roksan, I use the player for both DVD and music.

Thanks v much

centre speaker

Anyone recommend a centre speaker that is good for dialogue? I find myself strainging to hear talking on films with the current one I`ve got (Mordaunt Short). Looking to spend £100 - £200.


Whats the best setting on my amp for playing CD`s?

I play cd`s on my DVD player (I know a dedicated player is better, but I`ve got a Roksan, so it`s not too bad!) and have the setting on my amp to Pro Logic II. Is this the best setting. After thinking about it, I began to think it would be better if I just switched the amp to Stereo, therefore only getting the sounds through two channels. I noticed that some other amps have a dedicated `2 channel` setting for playing music, so maybe this is the way forward? The other option could be to switch the amp to `5 channel stereo`. Can someone please advise?


RE: USB extension

being a bit of a PC technophobe - what are powered USB hubs, how do they work and how much will they cost me?! Now where`s that book `PC for Dummies` gone.....!!

USB extension


I`ve just set up a home office and want the desk clutter free, which means siting the printer at the other end of the room. Are there different lengths of USB printer cable available, as I`d need to chase the cable approx 12-15m around the room to connect pc to printer?

many thanks

Viking Direct chairs


Anyone know if the £29.99 deal is still on? I`ve tried Y21-MATRIX, and Y23-MATRIX, but I can`t seem to get it to work.

If its not working - anyone recommend a site that sells cheap, decent quality, chairs.


RE: Is it possible to have two centre speakers?

Cheers - I actually read Westy`s thread after I posted mine, and realised that this was what he was talking about!! However - is it possible to use two centres speakers?

Is it possible to have two centre speakers?

Hello all,

I`ve got the full cinema set up (Denon AVR1602 amp) with the usual 2 front, centre,sub and 2 surrounds. My old man recently bought a home cinema kit, and when he bought it, they kindly threw in a full set of speakers. Having his own, he didn`t need them and gave them to me. I recently read a thread where Westy is quoted as saying that he thinks its better to have more than one centre speaker. Could I wire up the additional centre speaker to my amp for increased clarity/output. If I could - how would I go about doing it?

RE: Subwoofer spikes

In the past,someone on this site recommended cutting two squash balls in half an placing them under the sub/speaker. I`ve used this method ever since - and have a much deeper bass than previously before. Try it for yourself, and see that spending £4 is just as effective as spending £20 on spikes.

SKY+ - Do I have an inferior box?

I took up the offer available to employees and friends of getting a `reconditioned box` for £99. Apparently, these were the original boxes that were given out to a couple of thousand people in the London area to test for 12 weeks before SKY+ was officially launched. Obviously I was delighted at getting one for £99, but after going round to my mates house who got his SKY+ last week, I realised that his box is v different. Mine is a lot chunkier, has the LCD `snake` on the left hand side, and the fan is v loud - compared to his, which is a different colour, slimmer and quiet. He also tells me that he can record two programs at the same thime whilst watching another, and when I do this, I have to watch one of the programs that is being recorded. Is this due to the limitations of this early box? Anyone else have similar problems or advice?


RE: anyone heard of Roksan Kandy dvd players?

Aha! The infamous 42%er speaks - thanks for your input! Its kosha alright - its from an official dealer. I`m looking for a dvd player that can also handle audio aswell. I listen to CD`s on my Sony NS300 as well as watch films, so as far as the Roksan being `not bad picture reproduction` it probably will be miles better than the Sony! Music is more important, as I`m running it through a denon amp so I`m looking for quality. Its a toss up between the Roksan at £250 or a Denon 2200 at £450. The Denon, I`ve read about and it has had some good reviews. What do you think?

RE: anyone heard of Roksan Kandy dvd players?

I have that feeling too! Who or what is 42%ers? I await his response!!

anyone heard of Roksan Kandy dvd players?

I`m looking to upgrade my DVD player and I`ve found a Roksan Kandy player for £250 reduced from £599. I`ve been on the website, and it seems this manufacturer is quite well respected in terms of audio, but I`m a bit in the dark when it comes to dvd`s.

Anyone got a Denon DVD 1400/1600/2200 DVD player?

I`m thinking of getting one of the above - anyone got any feedback on them? The reason I`m looking at these models is that I`ve heard that they reproduce CD audio with exceptional quality. I use my dvd player as a cd player aswell, so this is important to me. I`ve also got a denon amp, so the remote functions would be compatible too. I`m aware that there is about £300 difference betweeen the 1400 and the 2220, but is it a justifable spend?


Help with my subwoofer connection - advice please!

I`ve got an Eltax Atomic A6.2 sub hooked up to my denon amp, which in turn is hooked up to Sky+ (I get no terrestrial signal in my area). I`ve noticed that when watching tv, the LED light under the phase button is often red, and the sub is not producing any sound. If I remove the lead, the light changes to green and when I put the lead back in, it stays green and bass is produced before shortly turning to red again and no sound. According to the manual, red is standby and green is on. Am I meant to get low level noise whilst watching eastenders etc, or is it just on standby waiting for some bass? The amp automatically turns to DPL II when I use Sky+. Would altering the phase from 180 to 0, or changing the crossover make any difference? Any advice greatly appreciated.

Been a company mobile user for a while - whats a good new phone?

Was amazed to see how many differnt phones are now out there! Only three years ago, it was easy to see which were the best phones, but now they all seem to do the same thing! Can anyone reccomend a decent phone. I`m looking for a `pay monthly` phone. I`ve heard the Samsung SGH7100 is a good phone, but could be a bit pricey?

RE: What would be the best set up combination

I take it no one wants to offer a solution? I have noticed that my current set up makes the screen look a bit `milky` and when I access the on screen menu on the TV, I can hardly read it as its v faint. Any suggestions?

What would be the best set up combination

Could anyone suggest the best set up for optimum sound/picture? I have the following:

Sanyo tv with 2 scarts.
Sony NS300 with 2 scarts and digital coaxial out (no optical out)
Denon AVR 1602 reciever - digital optical out & coaxial


RE: Help! - No audio from my Denon AV1602 whilst playing a DVD.

I`ll try that tonight. This way, will it still produce dolby digital sound?

Help! - No audio from my Denon AV1602 whilst playing a DVD.


I`ve recently moved house, so obviously my priority was setting the home cinema up! After connecting everything up the same as before, I was puzzled as to why there is no sound whilst playing a DVD. I have a Sony NS300 (think thats the model number - bog standard player) and a Denon AV1602. I have the DVD player connected by coaxial and the setting on the amp to coaxial for DVD. I`ve also set up the DVD as having a digital out...but still no sound! The wierd thing is that when the amp is set to DVD, I turn the sound up to max, and the sound from my SKY+ can be heard coming from the speaker very faintly. Also, when the DVD is playing (silently) the display omn the amp shows that it is analog and not dolby digital. Can anyone suggest what is going on? My next step is to buy a optical cable to connect my SKY+ to the amp, so if I still can`t get the DVD to work - can I use the audio jacks that were used on the sky to the amp, on the DVD player to the amp? I know this is a lengthy question..but this is really puzzling me!!