Info and forum posts by 'Mr Seaside'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 10th February 2004, 20:55, Last used: Tuesday, 10th February 2004, 20:55

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 4 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Samgung R100 DVD Recorder

Cheers for that. The Flash manual is really... well, flash!

Let us know how it performs. I think I`ll take the plunge in the next few weeks myself.

RE: Samgung R100 DVD Recorder

Well, as for whether it`s got RGB in...

Here`s what I sent to Samsung a few weeks ago.

I am interested in the new DVD recorder, DVD R100E, but would like to know if the 2 scarts mentioned are RGB, specifically whether the machine has RGB in and RGB out.

... and here is their reply:

Thank you for your e-mail dated 05.09.04 regarding the new DVD player

there is 2 scarts on the unit and it is also RGB.

Make of that what you will. I was encouraged, but on balance none the wiser. I can`t help but wonder if the information is any more accurate than the grammar.

I might email them again when I`ve actually seen some reviews for the bloomin` machine!

RE: Samgung R100 DVD Recorder

I asked this a few weeks back but alas, it became the dreaded zero reply thread!

I don`t actually believe the new Samsung machine exists - no reviews anywhere, nobody seems to have it - it`s not real!

The features look good on it, though: it`s DVD-RAM , +/-R, +/-RW and it has an i-link. All for under £200.

Hope somebody has some comments on it soon, then I`ll know whether to buy it or not...

Samsung DVD R100E


Does anyone have this Samsung DVD recorder? What`s it like?

I like the look of it because it can handle DVD-RAM and -RW/-R, but I can`t find any reviews of it anywhere.

One drawback appears to be that there is no RGB input and I`m not even sure it`s got RGB output. Does anyone know if this is correct?

Every time I settle on a machine it seems to have a major drawback. :(