Info and forum posts by 'johnleo'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 11th May 2004, 07:48, Last used: Tuesday, 11th May 2004, 07:48

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Sony RDR-GX3 or RDR-GX300

Can`t answer your specific query, but push the boat out and consider the Sony HX 900. I`ve had one for a week now and would describe it as sensational. One of the mags has awarded it the title of "DVD Recorder of the Year" alreaddy...........but it`s not cheap. Good Luck

Sony RDR HX 900 DVD Recorder

Superb write-ups......but has anyone out there got one ? Satisfied with its performance? Am thinking of spending a lotta dosh on one and want to make the right purchase ! Thanks for an early reply............Johnleo

new sony hx900 dvd recorder

Still pondering the purchase of a hard drive dvd recorder. I like the sound of the new Sony hx900. I believe that it`s only just arrived in UK. If you accept the Sony blurb, it should give the excellent Panasonic E-85 a run for its money.I believe that it uses a different recording format to the RAM of the Pani.
Has anyone out there tried out the new Sony ? Impressed ?

RE: Panasonic DMR-E85 Editing Question

Many thanks Scott, for comprehesive reply. The E85 is top of my hit list,but I`m looking forward to reading it`s professional review in the July copy of What Video,before I purchase. Good Luck with your E85 investigations. Best Regards.......John

RE: Panasonic DMR-E85 Editing Question

Scott.......Hi. Do you now have your hands on the E85 ? Good results? What about the service you received from DP? Would appreciate word when you have a moment. Thanks in anticipation
John, in Cyprus

RE: Panasonic DMR-E85 Editing Question

Thanks for prompt reply, Scott. Very useful tips ! I may still bring an E 85 back from UK, as very nearly all my live material is recorded off satellite. The price here in Cyprus (machine available as from next week) is equivalent to nearly 800 GBPounds !!.......another important reason for a UK dabble !

Hope you have joy with your new toy. Do let me know how pleased you are with Digital Point and how speedy their service is, when you finally get your hands on the Panny.I may also be using their services soon !

Good Luck .........John

RE: Panasonic DMR-E85 Editing Question

Hi Scott,
Like you, I`m thinking of purchasing a Panasonic HD recorder. I note that the E-85 does not have i-link(Firewire) for dv input (egVideo camera) This may be important to you ??

Today, I`ve just found out some very useful info on the E-95, due to be released in UK in July. Log onto Apparently it will have internal 160GB HD
( too enormous ??) but will include the i-link input and have PCMCIA PC Card slot. Hope this input helps you. Likely price on the internet will be approx. 750 GBpounds

Can any other readers help me with the following query.....Panasonic advertise their HD recorders as being multi-regional. Does this mean just the dvd(regions 1-6 ) or is the analogue tuner also multi regional ? I live in Cyprus and our system here is PAL BG. I suspect that if I purchase such a machine ,whilst on leave in UK, it may come with a PAL I tuner ????

Cheers ,,,,,,John