Info and forum posts by 'yo_da84'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 14th May 2004, 01:36, Last used: Sunday, 18th March 2007, 13:12

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Biostek HX250 - Region Code?

Hey guys,
thinking of purchasing this player, anyone know if it can be made region free with an unlock code? cheers


can you unlock the JVC XV-C5SL??

Hey guys,
I`ve just bought a JVC XV-C5SL from ebay, only to find out that it won`t play Region 1 disks, even though the seller advertised it as PAL/NTSC compatible which threw me of! anyway, can this be remote hacked? or does it have to be chipped? thought i was having a nice little multi region DVD player, instead i got a box thats got a dodgy LCD screen on that wont play my region ones:(

Thanks in advance for replying and helping me out hte best ya can guys, much appriciated.
Darren aka yo_da84

Star Trek Special Edition Movies R2 question.

Hey Guys,
i`ve bought 2,3,4,5,6 of the spec ed movies. Just wondering why hasnt No.1 come out in the same style slip case? Will generations, first contact etc all come out in the same style packaging, or am i gonna have a weird looking collection?

Cheers in advance

Why Is There No ST:The Motion Picture Slip Case?!!!!

Hey guys!
just started collecting the special edition ST movies, always liked them (bar 5!!!) and now that they are fairly cheap on amazon i`ve purchased 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

But, does anyone know why there`s not the same style slipcase on ST: The Motion Picture? are they releasing one?

Cheers Guys

This item was edited on Tuesday, 1st March 2005, 04:21

RE: SAW Region 1 is it the uncut version?

well...£14 for 8 secs.mmmmmmmmm NO!
think i`ll just watch a mates if he buys it!
cheres again

RE: SAW Region 1 is it the uncut version?

umm theres actually no run time stated on teh back?
printed on teh disk is running time: 100min
hope that helps

RE: SAW Region 1 is it the uncut version?

Hey dude!
it does have the 6.1 DTS ES Digital Audio track, and just says Lions Gate Entertainment on the back. The case is very simular except i have only a quote from the new york observer under the "saw" title.


SAW Region 1 is it the uncut version?

Hey guys!
just recieved my SAW region 1 from loaded247, watched it.Fantastic and the case is well smart, but i just noticed the Region 2 is having an Uncut the Region 1 the uncut version? or am I gonna have to buy the R2 aswell ?
Thanks alot

RE: copied dvd`s

I totally agree with you Geoff!
If the dvd/film companies sold the same product at the same price in each country, alot of the piracy would be cut out. Also, even though people buy copied DVD`s, the market is still booming and the film companies make millions and millions each year inspight of the piracy.Alot of people will buy a copy for a fiver or so, and then buy the actual DVD when its released offcially anyhow.

What it comes down too, is this; DVD/FILM companies need to stop being greedy and Release DVDs Everywhere, Same Time, Same Price.

If they did this, and possibly released dvds with a retail of £12.99 RRP im sure the rise in official dvd sales would increase dramastically and cover the slight loss they would make for not selling them at £19.99 RRP.

Thats what i think anyhoo.

RE: XBOX MODS!!! - Which one to get???

Hey dude,
the Xbit is also a very good chip, easily flashed with the bios and also has the switch to allow you play on XBox Live. Does everthing you listed and its a breeze todo, did mine (with the PogoPin version/Non-Solder) in under an hour. sell the chips too

RE: Driv3r PS2 or Xbox?

Hey guys!
Sorry to dissapoint all you Driv3r fans, but it sucks. It sucks more than a 2 bit hooker! I got eh game for the xbox, and completed it in a matter of hours. Completely crap AI, control on cars is far from fantastic and theres alot of graphical bugs in the game.

I`ve seen it runnin on the PS2 also, and the screens look incer on the PS2, but i still wouldnt buy it. Rent it or DL it (if you got broadband;) but dont buy it.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 01:53

Top 10 Sci-fi Horrors on DVD?

Hey guys!
I was curious as to what you think are the top 10 SCI-FI Horror dvds released R1&R2?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 01:02

Cheapest Place for Deep Space Nine box-sets?

Hi guys, im looking for the cheapest site/place to pick up the Deep Space Nine DVD box sets, thought i was in luck for all 7 seasons on ebay for £50........then seen the ASIA VERSION on the pics! oh well! heheh
