Info and forum posts by 'biddenden_sue'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 12th July 2004, 11:53, Last used: Saturday, 16th January 2010, 16:59

Access Level: Elite

About this user: Born 1966. Married with 2 sons. Movie maniac, erring towards Sci-Fi and Horror (SFX enthusiast). Fave actors - Kevin Spacey, Tom Hanks, Robin Williams, Morgan Freeman, Denzil Washington, Bruce Willis, Arnie. Pets: 3 cats, rabbit, guinea pig, 3 goats, loads of chickens, 2 cockerels, loads of ducks, 1 goose. Oh yeah, and I live in the country (No!) Equipment: Bog Standard square telly (soon to be remedied) with Scan SC-2000 Multi-Region DVD Player, Ferguson VideoStar 6 head Nicam VHS player, Toshiba DR-1 chipped Multi-Region DVD Recorder, Sky Digibox, with VideoLogic Digitheatre 5.1 surround sound system.

This user has posted a total of 984 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.13 messages a day, or 0.92 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Three More Regulars Have Signed Off Permanently

After being emailed by a long-standing member of this forum, I came back to read this thread. Initially I quit after the first 4 pages, but came back through curiosity after calming down.

Yes you bunch of total twats, it was me and Hulk that left. F***ing sleuths you lot ain`t and that`s for sure!

I coaxed Hulk back once but when I left, he lost it again and quit too. He did email me first to talk it through and we both knew we`d had enough here.

Some of you have questioned why someone would quit an entire forum over one disagreement or whatever, but if you went to a party that was full of total w***ers with a few decent people in one corner, would you stay? I sure as hell wouldn`t. I`d walk out the door and go back to my home territory.

So that`s put the record straight. Perhaps the mods can close the thread now and let us rest in peace.

The whole lot of you, excluding the odd few, can go f*** yourselves. I am not coming back.

So much for a dignified quiet exit. >:(

RE: So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu :(

Hello stranger.

Goodbye. Oz is a beautiful place - I don`t blame you for going back. And no one can email you down there unless you let them know your email addy there (you`d better jot down a few email addys that you know from here! ;) )

Bon voyage.

Edit: sorry pal - forgot to wish you many happy returns of the day. I hope the Australian sun warms you to a ripe old age. So you`re not quite as old as I thought, then. Just 60 now. Sorry!
Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 27th February 2007, 08:18

RE: freeview problem

Boosters vary in quality a lot. You need a mains powered one, and it needs to have variable gain (not all have this function). Then you will be able to adjust the strength to suit your signal.

Sometimes boosting a Freeview signal can do more harm than good. With an analogue transmission, the booster strengthens the picture, but with digital, there is only noughts and ones, so that is all it boosts, and if there are gaps, then the gaps get bigger. Basically it can make the picture break up more or even disappear altogether.

Sorry that`s not a very technical explanation, but I`m not a very technical person.

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: Which Superhero are you?

Green Lantern :/

Your results: You are Green Lantern

Green Lantern 90%
Iron Man 80%
Spider-Man 60%
Batman 60%
Superman 60%
Robin 55%
Wonder Woman 40%
Supergirl 40%
Catwoman 40%
The Flash 40%
Hulk 40%

Hot-headed. You have strong will power and a good imagination.

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

This item was edited on Saturday, 27th January 2007, 13:42


Bowfer and SJ - bog off, you`re not helping!!! :p

OK, it`s remotely possible that your machine doesn`t dub over from DVD to VHS. Impossibly for me to say not knowing the model or anything.

Try hooking up an external DVD player and recording from the SCART source. That ought to do it.

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: Ever been dump Online

It`s just one of those threads! :D

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: Quiet on here...let`s start some grief...

Oops, sorry. Couldn`t find the ladies. Oh I think I`m gonna be....

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: Quiet on here...let`s start some grief...

I know I`m stating the obvious, but you lot are all totally bloody BARKING!!!

Carry on! :D

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: Ever been dump Online

Didn`t go much on lloyd or Chaplin.

But Laurel & hardy still have me in stitches. They were the classic double act of the silent era!!! 8) (And their talkies were good too, which is where a lot of silent actors & actresses failed)

Altogether now...

"In the blue ridged mountains of Virginia"
Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

This item was edited on Friday, 26th January 2007, 09:43

RE: Whos got snow?

We haven`t had any more overnight so the roads are clear. Just the finest spattering across trees and rooves.

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?


I don`t know that particular machine, but usually there is one button to press called "Dub". What did you do with the instruction book?

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: HD Freeview- Is it possible to have in built receiver in to tv

That`s why it`s HD Ready. Because it can handle HD input from an external source.

If it had a HD tuner, it would be a true "HD TV"

It`ll come.

4 years ago, we got excited when DVD players went under the £100 threshold. Today Asda announced they are to sell a DVD player for under a tenner.

I predict that in 4 years` time, all TVs on the shop shelves will have HD Freeview tuners, all new DVD players will be capable of playing HD-DVD or BluRay, if not both, CRT and VHS will be extinct, and all this technology will be available from about a ton, if not less.
Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

This item was edited on Thursday, 25th January 2007, 18:36

RE: Ever been dump Online

God this thread is confusing. I sat staring at that encrypted message for half an hour, then realised there was an apostrophe in there and suddenly it made sense.

Why is this forum so dead today?

Why isn`t anyone talking about anything relevant to the world?

Why do people get involved with people online?

I like it like this. Words on a screen. No crap, no complications, and NO WEBCAM!!!

Sheesh. :/

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

This item was edited on Thursday, 25th January 2007, 14:21


ONLY if the DVD is not copy protected. Copy protection (macrovision) cannot be disabled internally in a combo unit.

All non-protected DVDs will happily copy across, so home videos etc, no problemo.

Hope that helps.

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?


Yes, it`s possible. Un-protected content only of course, unless you possess a machine with macrovision disabled or a Macromaster SCART lead.

In the early days of DVD, I regularly found myself copying a DVD to VHS so that a family member could watch it, as they didn`t yet have a DVD player. Haven`t needed to do it for years now though.
Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: Whos got snow?

We got snow last night here in Kent. Just a fine spattering over everything, crunchy underfoot.

Hope it goes later. I refuse to drive in the bloody stuff.

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: PVR recommendation

Yep, stick with Topfield and Humax - best of the bunch. Top quality kit. Humax is my preferred brand but there`s not much between them.

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: Gameboy Micro - save £68 - now £31.50

Bought my GB Micro when they first came out, at the full asking price! Seriously smart little gadget for anyone who doesn`t have a DS. 8)

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: Worlds most expensive hotel???

I might check it out when I win the lottery! :D

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: Ebay - Feedback 2.0 - seems better?...

I tell you one thing I hate - sellers that neg you if you neg them. Never mind the fact that you had to wait x number of weeks for something that should have arrived next day, and they never replied to emails etc. They see it as tit for tat, which just isn`t right. Then they blackmail you into mutually withdrawing feedback to clean up both ratings.

I always check for mutually withdrawn feedback and take that as negative when checking someone out. >:(

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: Help with After sales

In the UK, most electrical equipment comes with a 12 month Retail warranty, for which you deal with the retailer. After that, any extended Manufacturer`s warranty must be dealt with through the manufacturer (the clue is in the name of the warranty! ;) )

After sales service is what really matters with manufacturers and I think the vast majority really don`t want to know. I have never heard of Video7, but this thread shows why sticking with big names can be important. What use is a 3 year warranty if you can`t get anyone to honour it? >:(

Get back on the phone and create hell! Get an address and write to their head office complaining. Kick up a stink. I don`t hold out much hope with Watchdog - I have contacted them several times in the past and never even had a response from them.

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: Ebay - Feedback 2.0 - seems better?...

It`s about time they updated the feedback system, as it is now crucial to check a seller`s feedback before dealing with them. The current system is SO open to abuse, and a simple pos or neg just isn`t enough to get a real idea of what they are like to deal with.

I welcome this, although it will probably need updating again in a couple of years, judging by eBay`s current growth rate!

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: Whos got snow?

A heavy frost but no snow at all here in Biddenden, Kent.

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 24th January 2007, 12:32

RE: Lots of Salveging going on in Devon

I read that Police were handing out leaflets on the beach advising people that it was an offence to take anything that was considered salvage from the wreckage.

Why didn`t they just arrest them? Everyone was helping themselves (have been constantly by the sounds of it)

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: Sky Digibox Pace 2500S3 is good for what??....

Charge £10 delivery and make sure you have sufficient packaging to send it safely. Also accurately describe all leads that are with it and whether it has a remote with it. Send it so that it has to be signed for to make sure you don`t get ripped off buy the purchaser.

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: A Question Regarding A DVD Recorder And Sky

Brubby, I doubt if this has anything to do with the DVD Recorder - more likely your Sky box is "going home".

However, to eliminate the DVD-R, I would sit there and repeatedly start and stop recording to see if the fault occurs in front of you.

You have 2 choices if you need a new box - you can ring Sky, pay £65 and get a refurbished box (no choice and probably as old as the one you have now) or you can surf eBay for a new one - they vary between £50 to £100 (for the latest model). Then you just call Sky to get the card twinned with the box when it arrives.

This is what the new generation of Sky boxes (mega fast menu loading etc) look like:

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

This item was edited on Monday, 22nd January 2007, 17:56

RE: Here`s A Daft Question

It`s a known fact that we tend to do things in rhythm with any music we can hear.

That is why fast food restaurants tend to have fast dance music piped through to the eating area, so that you chew faster, finish faster, and get out of the way faster!

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: I`m in a bad episode of Neighbours!

Slightly off topic, but Stingray was in panto at Canterbury this year, and he was very entertaining!

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: I`m in a bad episode of Neighbours!

The DNA and clap tests are a good idea. Under no circumstances should he get back with her. It`s a sad situation when children are involved, but if the daughter is proved to be his, he should ensure that his relationship with her doesn`t suffer because of all this. He needs to establish regular access as quickly as possible. If the gf won`t talk about it, he should get a solicitor on the job and get a court order allowing weekend access or whatever.

He has to rebuild his life, put the past behind him and realise who his friends are. Thank goodness you are there in all the muddle.

You`ll need to be a good listener, but never pass judgement on the gf when he is talking about her. Just go along with whatever he says. His emotions will change on a daily basis - one day she`ll be a bitch, the next he`ll want her back, etc, so if you call her any names, you`ll end up upsetting him and alienating yourself from him. Stay neutral but helpful. You may even end up liaising between him and the estranged gf.
Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?