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Info and forum posts by 'Mickey-Love'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 27th November 2000, 12:12, Last used: Monday, 27th November 2000, 12:12

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: What player do you have, so I can work out the which players have sold the most.

Pioneer 535 and Wharfedale 750s
Pioneer is naturally the better machine but the Whafedale is adequate for bedroom use with a portable tv

RE: Crouching Tiger from MovieTyme

If you live in Manchester (Or any other town with a large Chinese community) try the shops in Chinatown, at least two I know of in Manchester have had the region 3 disc and vcd in stock for 3 weeks

RE: Does the Wharfedale 750 play VCD`s

Bought them on Saturday for 38 quid from Chinatown in Manchester, (New East Games), the quality is good, no widescreen but on the plus side, unlike many other Asian VCD`s, it doesn`t have subtitles. I`ve bought every other SW video set and was waiting for the DVD`s but I`ve heard they won`t be out until after the release of Episode 3, although Menace will be out this year

On the whole if you can`t wait and don`t want to buy another set of videos and watch the tape quality gradually fade, they`re definately worth buying

Wharfedale/Philips 701

I`ve now had enough of the Tescos/Wharfedale fiasco as after exchanging my 750 for a 750s to play Gladiator, I`m now faced with the problem of the perspex facia falling off the front of the machine. This is just shoddy workmanship, although I realise you get what you pay for. I`m tempted to pay the difference and exchange the Wharfedale for the Philips 701 Tescos are now selling, does anyone know if I`m investing in another donkey or should I just go back to using Betamax?

RE: How to get your Wharfedale 750 exchanged for a new 750S (if you get problems)

went to Tesco yesterday to check if they had the 750s in stock, there was a later model to my 750 which had a new DTS logo on the front, but it was still called a 750, would that be the 750s or does it actually have an "s" on the facia after the model number?

RE: Gladiator R1 or R2?

I`m having the same problem on the Wharfedale #1, already taken one copy back thinking it was a faulty disc. Once it hangs does it come on eventually or just won`t work at all?