Info and forum posts by 'beng'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 30th November 2000, 21:56, Last used: Thursday, 30th November 2000, 21:56

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 3 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Beng.......Does the hack work on your AIWA

I was refering to the hack pages that I had visited, including the one on this site:; Between steps 3) and 4) there is no mention of the "CODE --". The other site I checked was: which did not mention the "CODE -- " appearing either. This page at the time I visited it (though not now) linked to a site which had a hack which I think was on a different player), but the same hack and this too did not match.

I agree that your site does indeed describe the hack in the best detail I have seen. However at the time I was looking I did not know of your site and had not seen any links to it.

I agree the AIWA 370 is indeed a very good player. I think I was panicking abit since the player is to be a Christmas present from my wife. I wanted to ensure that it was region free before putting it away for christmas. She was rather upset that it did not (originally work).

I did not mean to offend and I would recommend anyone to visit the which covers the hack well.

Best Regards (and appologies if offended)


RE: Beng.......Does the hack work on your AIWA


It worked fine.... it just took me several attempts to get right first time.

I can now do it perfect every time.

It would however have been handy if someone had said that after entering the 314159 that the front pannel would then display "--" whereby you enter the region code.



Help Please with Aiwa XD-DV370

Purchased the Aiwa XD-DV370 from Comet today.

Tried the region changing remote control hack, but nothing happened.

I turned the machine on, with no disc and it reported that no disc was present. I then pressed pause and tried to enter the number. At this point can anyone explain if I should get any sort of display feedback as I did not. I proceeded with the hack explained on the handset hacks of this web site, to swap the player to region 1.

Nothing happened.

Can anyone shed any light. Thanks in advance.