Info and forum posts by 'screamer69'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 5th December 2000, 01:28, Last used: Tuesday, 5th December 2000, 01:28

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

has the philips 711 macro hack been sorted yet ?????

any of you clever f@##ers worked it out yet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

matsui dvd 120 can i play vcds

does anybody know hoe to hack it so it can play vcds ?????

hidden menu in indepence day

i was told there is a hidden menu in independece day r1 is this true ???
and how do i get it (its the 2 disk set )

RE: Cannibal Holocaust, is it as hard to watch as everyone seems to say?

i take it its R1 coz i carnt see bbfc ever letting it through ive had this film for many years now (video & vcd ) what is there to say about the film if its uncut!! from what i can remember (havent watched it in a long time ) its pritty grosum in places defently not for the kiddys to watch !!! this one started all the other holocaust films off if i remember rightly the women giveing birth (if im thinking of the right film)was a bit on the bad side and the women on the edge of the water !!! just hope you not got a weak guts
and hes the quote from the end of the film :Projectionist -john k. kiro was given a two-month suspended jail sentence and fined $10.000 for illegal approriation of film material We know that he receved $250.000 for that same you make up your own mind as far as the above ive just checked it and i was right about the women giving birth also most of this film through what i can find out is true and did happen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

macro hack for philips 711

is there a macro hack for the 711 i bought mine multi just wanting macro hack for it ....... IF THERE IS ONE !!!!!!!!!

RE: Importing horror flicks / customs

so you havent got i spit on your grave my mate got it with no troubles !!!!!!
ive got it on vcd !!!!