Info and forum posts by 'Mr.The.Spoon'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 11:16, Last used: Friday, 10th February 2006, 20:11

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Hello

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Do some gremlins naturally live longer than others?

Who meeeee?????

I wasn`t anywhere near the grassy knoll officer.

RE: Do some gremlins naturally live longer than others?

My last Gremlin only lasted 12 days >:(
Was doing really well too.

RE: I`m giving away ALL 10 of my challenges to the first 10 replies - HURRY!

Thanks for the challenge. It was a good fight despite me losing >:(
Glad I went the distance and got a fair number of rounds so I didn`t feel completely walked over.

Bit upset with my Gremlin though, he seems to be aging much faster than my last one. Was only born on the 2nd and is already `getting on`
Guess it ate too many kebabs.

RE: I`m giving away ALL 10 of my challenges to the first 10 replies - HURRY!

You want a fight???

I`ll probably rol over and die, but it will be a good laugh.

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Stuff has gone. He`s Stuffed. :(
in the end he just wouldn`t stop going on about his past victories and the injustices of his less successful matches. It got annoying so I had to terminate the little guy.
I just calmy fed him into the waste compactor and ejected his remains into space....

Born on 5/1/2005
passing away on 1/2/2005
Strength: 400
Stamina: 3146
Dexterity: 4000
Matches: 481
Won: 258
Lost: 223

Stuff, I salute you. `Things` stands ready to take over your legacy.

RE: Fight Odds

When recieving challenges, it seems the higher the first number, the better for you.
This match:

All odds were Infinity - 1 (except increase speed which was 25 - 1)
We both had normal (ie no tactics) and I beat him easily.

You wanna fight? FIGHT ME!!

Stuff has finally fought his way into the top 50 (currently placed 49) and I`m facing a problem. Stuff is now middle-aged. The end is in sight but he wants to fight.

All my challenges are done just after midnight.
All those battles have been fought.

I can`t survive sitting here at work all day without more fights.
Someone challenge me.
I never reject a fight.

Come on.... do it. Fight me.