Info and forum posts by 'sarah k'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 28th January 2005, 18:09, Last used: Friday, 9th September 2005, 15:23

Access Level: Competent

About this user: I was introduced to this site and have enjoyed it ever since.

I reach the big 40 in august and i`m proud of that. For the last 3 years I have decided to grow old DISGRACEFULLY, much to my kids amusement. I have 4 lovely little darlings who keep me active ranging in age between 10 and 22. I also have a 19 month old grand-daughter, who i love to bits. Some of you already fight my 12 year old daughter... charli2005. I recently got married to my 2nd husband and am very happy.

I tend not to suffer fools gladly so take note :) I am very loyal to my friends ask anyone who knows me. I`m a good listener and love to have a giggle.

This user has posted a total of 427 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.06 messages a day, or 0.42 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: New plan regarding dexterity issue


here`s a couple of suggestions that i know would make loads of people happy and i`m sure it would be easier to program than messing around with how stats affect a gremlin.

1. remove the refuse option ( has been proposed before)

2. remove the lapse feature. (once again has been proposed before but would mean non- fighting gremlins would show up more easier as they would stay at constantly busy until they died)

several people have proposed these changes before. there are 93 gremlins including the training gremlins and 19 of these are not actually actively fighting.

RE: New plan regarding dexterity issue

So now my current line of thought is to base the amount of XP awarded on the damage done by each gremlin. I think someone suggested this at some point, but I can`t recall who so sorry to whomever.

so the harder you hit the more xp you get???

if you put this plan into action when are you thinking of doing so?

RE: Big Brother 2005

can someone please go into the BB house and rip Science`s vocal cords out. i`m getting totally p***ed off with listening to him shout all the damn time.

RE: Are you younger than you think?

Your `real age` is: 38.5, but you could be younger!
Your age is: 40.0
Difference: -1.4

i`m impressed ! must be the fact i married a toy boy :)

RE: Anyone bought sofas from DFS?

bought 2 leather sofa`s off them. they were slightly damaged and had been rejected by the original purchaser. damage was the fact that the leather was slightly (and i mean slightly) scuffed. paid on the friday and they were delivered saturday morning.

had them a year now and i`m very happy with them.

RE: Big Brother 2005

the mole:

the mole is a toy they have hidden in the grass

RE: Big Brother 2005

and they have kicked vanessa out. glad as i got fed up of her bitching and s**tstirring

RE: When gremlins die

i think you have far to much time on your hands eggman to think of things like that :)

RE: mmmm i wonder if michael j quaking in his boots?

hey magical mau don`t get to upset he`s just that sort of man ;) use and abuse and then leave when the mood suits him:)

don`t take it to personally but he does have something against your imps especially after you knocked him off the number 1 spot the other month. :D

RE: mmmm i wonder if michael j quaking in his boots?

ps your gremlin does seem to be aging very quickly though,

i know but maybe it`s because it knows it`s going to be terminated on the morning of the 23rd as i`m off on holiday AGAIN!!!! scotland this time...... two weeks in a motorhome should be loads of fun with a hyperactive child :) plus get to meet my father-in-law and stepmother-in-law for the very first time :¦

ps why are we both up at such an unearthly hour?

RE: mmmm i wonder if michael j quaking in his boots?

and who was it saying the other day about my gremlin aging quickly ?????

mutter grumble cheek of it mutter mutter

mmmm i wonder if michael j quaking in his boots?

he`s not issued my usual challenge today :)

not sure if he`s to frightened to fight me, he`s playing dirty and not challenging me or he`s getting absent minded in his old age ;) i know which one????

RE: Dating - Male viewpoint required

but remember i had already had one crap marriage so was more determined this time that i wouldn`t settle for someone just because they were the there. :)

and i don`t want to tell you how many i let go through that big hole in the bottom of the net

RE: Dating - Male viewpoint required

here beth you can have mine i`ve caught and married the fish i wanted :)

*sarah k chucks a BIG fishing net at bethyblue*

RE: Danny bogoff, you were lucky!

today proves just how lucky i was as you beat me today which is just what i expected :)

RE: Danny bogoff, you were lucky!

i was also very surprised as you have better stats than me.

i`ll fight you every day if you want to bring it on :)

RE: Advise needed please!

tell the police as he is over 10 they can prosecute. they might be reluctant but also push under the anti social behaviour act. also inform the school that you are involving the police and once you mention that they should panic.

i`ve done both these courses of action to help protect both my children. on the police front i had to really push. but eventually they did actually go visit the child in question and put a notice on him under section 5 of the anti social behaviour act. for my daughter the school were useless and wouldn`t even get a teacher to talk to me until i said ok a boy slapping my daughter is assault and i will ring the police.... i spoke to a teacher in 5 minutes and the boy had a days exclusion (not much but at least his parents then found out what he thinks is fun).

RE: Hey micheal J

Do listen to Sarah,

finally he`s confirmed he bribes RJS lol

ps i am now 19th, sorry Sarah.

like i really believe your apology lol

there are future gremlins and one day i will kick your backside into next week :)

seriously though it helps that there are not that many gremlins and those that are around you in the league are fighting

This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th July 2005, 06:11

RE: Hey micheal J

cos he bribes RJS to give him extra points ;) and i`m sure he cheats some other way lol

RE: Underground closed possible explosion!!!!

Everyone would have to have these cards, why would any one group be alienated?

what about people living on low incomes? they will find it hard to find this £90 so will be alienated. i know you are on about ethnic group but you also have to consider this when bringing in I D cards

RE: why cant i see the red bars on the poll?

i use firefox and i can see the bars once i have voted.

RE: Free O2 Prepay SIM on again - for those wanting to stock pile these things!

not that i am aware of. you need to do that initial £10 top up

RE: Underground closed possible explosion!!!!

security alert in euston tube station this morning. lets hope it is a false alarm

RE: Free O2 Prepay SIM on again - for those wanting to stock pile these things!

i got my cards on saturday and reading all the blurb that came with it. when you top up with £10 you receive either 300 free texts or 100 free minutes plus up to 100 texts choice is yours.

RE: BONUS has started baby bashing again

Some people need to get a grip its only a game, sound like a broken record? Hell yeah so as long as the same tune is being played.

yeah it`s only a game but there is also a lot of irony in these postings :)

RE: Underground closed possible explosion!!!!

condolences to all that have lost friends and relatives in this horrific disaster.

safe journeys home to all that have to travel this afternoon and evening

RE: Underground closed possible explosion!!!!

0870 1566 344 emergency number just given on sky news

RE: Underground closed possible explosion!!!!

150 seriously injured. - sky news on tv

would have expected it to be more than that

RE: Underground closed possible explosion!!!!

just been on sky news that they are intending to keep as many mainline stations open as possible. stations will only be closed in the event of a security alert and then they will re-open asap

kings cross is shut but only because the emergency services are using it to access the underground there