Info and forum posts by 'Troy Nydekker'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 12th December 2000, 14:22, Last used: Tuesday, 12th December 2000, 14:22

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: I have a pair that are checked. They`re very nice. I got them out of a catalogue I think.

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Scan 2000 / Aiwa 730 / LG3200 - What a dilemma !

Mmmm... this to you is a dilema? Good job you are not a CEO of a blue chip PLC or a world leader, you`d be neck deep in do-do now.

Look at the latest from Toshiba, Sony, TAG Mclaren...etc...

... and start saving.

Scan SUCKS!!!!!!!!

RE: Home cinema set up

For £3,500 - forget the idea of a projector. Certainly if you`re starting from scratch, since you`ll need to spend at least that on the projector itself and then you`re into the bottom of the LCD market. To put it in perspective, I demoed Sony`s £5000 LCD projector at the weekend and compared to a good quality TV, the colours look washed out and the image is no where near as sharp. Get some decent electronics and speakers and stick with the TV (assuming it supports RGB input).

RE: Comet and the Aiwa 370...some official correct info please!

Some official information regarding Comet and the Aiwa 370.

Comet are crap don`t go there (unless to bomb the place)
Aiwa are crap - don`t buy one unless you want all your friends (you all have friends right?) to laugh at you
The Aiwa 370 is totally crap, buy something better (like a Scan apparently).

I`m still waiting for my Scan to turn up instead of my Tag Mclaren that I had on order after reading reviews on this s***e (sorry) site.

Scan ROCKS!!!!! (sorry, mispelled "is bollocks" again)

RE: What! The almighty Aiwa has feet of clay?

Even the wheels of a BMW can go flat, so nothing to worry yet :)

Hmm, I can`t say that I`ve ever had a flat wheel on my car. Had the odd flat tyre, but not wheel. You obviously are as good an expert with cars as you are with dvd players.

RE: Help needed with Aiwa picture problem

The solution to your problem is a simple one. Simply switch the player off, unplugg it (at this point it`s up to you whether you put it back in it`s box or not), and go out and bury it in un-holly ground. Make sure you then cover then entire area with salt when you`ve finished.

RE: Sub-£100 player - PLEASE kill my friend!

Horridtron 6000 rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Down with Scan.....

It may look like it`s been hewn from a solid lump of the cheapest plastic by a blind 1 year old with a chainsaw, but I`m sure for £139 it`s as good as any Sony you`d care to mention.


Great news - I was going to buy the Tag Mclaren DV-32R (£3,500) from my local retailer, but after your review I`m cancelling my order and going for the Scan. You`ve no doubt saved me over £3,499.99, which I can spend on other equally quality machines from the likes of Awia (although I think that this may now be a bit too classy).

Scan ROCKS!!!

Sorry, I think that I miss-spelled the phrase "is complete bollocks" incorrectly there.