Info and forum posts by '<> .¦. <>'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 8th February 2005, 21:03, Last used: Tuesday, 10th January 2006, 21:19

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 75 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.07 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

21 days! Poor Imp.

We can grow old together now though.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 21st December 2005, 09:43

Hello and welcome to Earth, teh l33t haxx0r

How was the ride on your journey here? :)

It`s a pleasure to do battle Sir/Madam, or do you use different titles where you come from?

I can highly recommend the vegetarian option, stay clear of mad cows, and don`t drink the water! You`ll be fine.

Now where`s my pills? :D

Oh, and don`t forget, you`re being watched!
<> .¦. <>

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

I`ll second that, RIP & farewell Mr Grizzly Grelp, modern-day king of xp! 8)

Tried but failed to catch you up, even though I think pillbox was often getting the better of you towards the end. ;)

Thanks for all those 20 rounders we had. :) :) :)

RE: Farewell pillbox ......

I`ll miss the free gingerbread, . Only joking, I`ll also miss our fights.

Must say I was a bit shocked to see pillbox die so soon (born 9th Nov), was 9 days
younger than gremlins that are still alive!

Definitely didn`t abuse the invite thingy, didn`t make a single one. Also only fought with one gremlin. Was fun while it lasted though.

Bye for now everyone.

RE: Bilhooks alert!.....and inactive gremlins

Oh no, double crêpeola!

SkolloB is another one of my challenges for today.

At least I know now, thanks for the info.

RE: KIlling off unused Gremlins

Yes, the green bar is helpful at the beginning of a gremlins life, but it doesn`t seem to work with inactive gremlins higher up the order.

Bilhooks alert!.....and inactive gremlins

Gremlin named Billhooks, owner Real Ale Monster seems to have disappeared and hasn`t seen any action since 26th Nov.

Silly me challenged Bilhooks again today by accident, after already having one fight lapse last week.

I`d go along with killing off unused gremlins, or at least make challenges stick indefinitely, being `busy` would mean no more fights getting wasted.

RE: Welcome back &lt;&gt;.¦.&lt;&gt;

pillbox must be still convalescing after the walloping from Huge-Honey :)

the bitch is back again...

the bitch is back again... just got hit harder by mistake, sorry *steve*, I was daydreaming.

Been generally choosing conserve energy on lower ranked grems, which is usually best for both grems involved, i.e. longer matches means more xp all round. :D

RE: 2 Challenges going free to good homes

round # 1........Huge-Honey grabs at pillbox, giving a bloody nose (Damage 4395) :o

pillbox passed out before round two, must have been all that blood! :D

RE: 2 Challenges going free to good homes

pillbox would appreciate a good pasting! :) :) :)

RE: pillbox &lt;&gt; .¦. &lt;&gt; , My apologies !

No probs, all`s fair in love and war, as they say. :) :) :)
Think I also hit harder, but mine was definitely on purpose (:¦ lol, although I wouldn`t
want to upset Jpin95 or spoil your big day!

Is there some unwritten grem etiquette about not choosing hit harder? Seems to give the best odds quite often.

RE: Welcome back &lt;&gt;.¦.&lt;&gt;

Bless! :x :x :x

Good to be back.

A little secret, <> .¦. <> even I have to copy and paste it. :D

RE: Thank you :-)

Don`t worry, I`d let you know somehow. :)

RE: Thank you :-)

Hope you have a nice break Magical Mau.

Have to agree with Steamboat willy, I always got a max 20 rounder when fighting Black Imp, occasionally a win as well, lol, she will be missed.
Don`t worry dude, I forget how to write my own name, lol. Think I might have to change that when I make a come back.

I`m having a rest from gremlins myself for a while, see you all in the near future, hopefully.

RE: pickle :-)

No problems dude. :)

Or another version of that one-liner "He who laughs last didn`t get the joke"

RE: pickle :-)

jimtastic, have you been smoking psychotropic herbs or something?

I only ever offered you one challenge, way back at the beginning of pickle`s life, you refused!

You offered pickle many fights along the way, I think you won a total of two. Glad you enjoyed them though, lol.

This item was edited on Saturday, 30th April 2005, 15:04

RE: pickle :-)

Sorry dude, just been a bit busy today.

here`s trying to make up, lol.

and here`s for almost getting in the top ten of all time hope you make it.

RE: pickle :-)

Am I forgiven?

RE: pickle :-)

You`ve made pickle blush!

I`ve been asked to pass this smiley on.

RE: pickle :-)

Chill dude! lol

Didn`t mean to imply I beat you twice today.

I meant you`ll probably thrash me again twice tomorrow, if I`m not dead by then.:)

RE: pickle :-)


I`m sure it hasn`t dinted Black Imp`s pride too much. Probably another double thrashing again tomorrow anyhow. :):):)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th April 2005, 13:22

RE: pickle :-)

Normal service has resumed, lol. :)

RE: pickle :-)

Cheers dude, so have I.:):):)

Well done for getting to the top by the way.

RE: now there is a gremlin making a offer........

Didn`t Gary Glitter say that? Look where it got him.

RE: Congratulations Beth, here`s the official result

Congratulations Beth!

Well done there girl, you`re a star. :):):)

RE: Challenges...........minus one

shhhhhhhhhh :)

I need it though, see how many fights pickle has lost.
It`s that easy going nature you know, such a desirable quality, lol. :D

RE: Challenges...........minus one

is that like the confused smiley tag bug, but different, te he

RE: Challenges

....and pickle only has a small `p`, like paula, :B lol


Challenges...........minus one

Just wondering why my challenges column says minus one? :/

Hope I haven`t refused anyone by accident.