Info and forum posts by 'Hayabusa7'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 20th February 2005, 00:18, Last used: Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 23:17

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: im very sporty :P like music and stuff

This user has posted a total of 23 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

so you chase your mans balls

RE: distancing myself

ahwell its your choice

all in good fun though

RE: Missing Top Gremlins!-A Theory!

so much new competition has been brought in
of course its going to help the site
but atleast someone realises that

RE: Decline of the forum

if use didn`t take things so seriously then nothing would be depressing

its all in good fun but use are just goin stupid bout all the new competition

RE: Jealousy indeed

us unpleasant well as soon as some competition got into place ure lot started saying the person was cheating so isn`t that unpleasant

and no unlucky im not 12

RE: Jealousy indeed


dont mess with SL if we got all of them to join your gremlin server thing would kina go pop!!

dont mess

RE: Bring it on

were are all the big guns c`mon lets see what you can do

RE: Bring it on

anyone else wana go at Bob or can you not handle him ;)

RE: Ummm, somethings not right

its easy to get a gremlin like his so stop moaning and get on with it, as he said he has reffered many people and has a few gremlins of his own also he has alot of m8`s on here so you do the maths

RE: Challenge me please!!!

challenge me sometime and i will challenge you again

RE: Bring it on

neurology thts a couple more wins to me anyone else wana step up c`mon bring it

RE: Bring it on

ahwell neurology beat you once out of quite a few :D

anyone else wana step up and get knocked back down >:(

RE: Lol ever had a fight like this?

1 Bob goes for King Arthur, but misses
Draw! 120 vs 356
2 King Arthur crawls towards Bob, but misses
Draw! 120 vs 356
3 Bob moves towards King Arthur, but misses
Draw! 120 vs 356
4 King Arthur goes for Bob, causing breathing difficulties
(Damage 9) King Arthur 111 vs 356
5 Bob sets upon King Arthur, delivering a good hiding
(Damage 29) Bob 111 vs 327
6 King Arthur lunges for Bob, but Bob dodges and returns a big punch giving something to think about
(Damage 57) Bob 111 vs 270
7 Bob aims at King Arthur, delivering a knuckle sandwich
(Damage 45) Bob 111 vs 225
8 King Arthur aims at Bob, giving what for
(Damage 6) King Arthur 105 vs 225
9 Bob lunges for King Arthur, but King Arthur dodges and returns fire giving something to think about
(Damage 10) King Arthur 95 vs 225
10 King Arthur goes for Bob, causing breathing difficulties
(Damage 6) King Arthur 89 vs 225
11 Bob moves towards King Arthur, but King Arthur dodges and returns fire causing a broken limb
(Damage 6) King Arthur 83 vs 225
12 King Arthur lunges for Bob, giving what for
(Damage 7) King Arthur 76 vs 225
13 Bob lunges for King Arthur, delivering a bit of a fright
(Damage 9) Bob 76 vs 216
14 King Arthur crawls towards Bob, delivering a bit of a fright
(Damage 9) King Arthur 67 vs 216
15 Bob aims at King Arthur, causing a broken limb
(Damage 6) Bob 67 vs 210
16 King Arthur sets upon Bob, giving what for
(Damage 10) King Arthur 57 vs 210
17 Bob grabs at King Arthur, but King Arthur dodges and returns a big punch causing a deadly blow
(Damage 10) King Arthur 47 vs 210
18 King Arthur moves towards Bob, delivering a good hiding
(Damage 6) King Arthur 41 vs 210
19 Bob sets upon King Arthur, causing a deadly blow
(Damage 6) Bob 41 vs 204
20 King Arthur sets upon Bob, giving what for
(Damage 6) King Arthur 35 vs 204

RE: FatboySnail wants you *points at you*

anyone needing someone to challenge well then bring it here you are welcome

RE: Bring it on

yeah i`ll send a challenge your way tomorro 8)

RE: Bring it on

:( that was a good played match by yourself gd match on your behalf

RE: Bring it on

cant wait cya then i`ll be waiting ;)

RE: Mr Flibble`s very cross!

how many times do i have to beat you :p

RE: Bring it on

ahwell your lucky ;) now go away or bring it on back ;)

Bring it on

well Bob is waiting for ya >:( so Bring it on if you dare

RE: FatboySnail wants you *points at you*

well if you could challenge me i will challenge you tomorro :)

gremlin name - Bob