Info and forum posts by 'jifdave'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 22nd February 2005, 00:03, Last used: Monday, 13th February 2006, 19:16

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: grrr....

This user has posted a total of 22 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Steamboat Willy III regains top spot from SL Army

congrats willy, is a shame though. if they hadnt changed the game it would have been a lot more interesting. look at your record, you`ve had less fights, lost more but still got to the top.

shame dont you think. i`m not having a dig but it would have been nice to see if you reached the top without the change, although you do seem to have about 46 challenges a day so you`d have got to the top either way.

RE: sunday league

working fine for me fella

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

i didnt say you were gloating willy, i said dont gloat.

and for the 12 year old monkey i meant the all time list not the normal list.

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

anyhoo with the change to the game i`d like to say please dont gloat about willy getting to number one it is so much easier for him now.

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

i say canada is in need of a good old fashioned invasion.

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

i`ll see if there interested back soon

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

i do think this is a good idea, but great time to start as our gremlins reach there peak. i suggest we let the all time greatest be the measuring stick

RE: Need help getting for fights

your probably refering to late555`s

its just had a lot of help from the rest of the sl people that are on here.

i dont see the point in changing it as its not cheating to be challenged a lot

RE: Decline of the forum

i actually think now that the forums have improved. with a host of new caried topics this forum one day could be worth my official stamp of shoe horness

RE: name and shame.

your comments are fair enough, but the main object of this topic was for instances like this. now people know not to challenge you if they are a little better than you, maybe this could be added a maximum differential on each stat has to be matched or be lower to be accepted.

RE: This is me!!

For I have a life...

or not as the random posting suggests

distancing myself

i`d just like to distance myself from the sunday league `clan/army` thanks guys for the support but i`d rather not be asocitated with the `army`, i`m just jifdave playing gremlins.

also i think it only right to distance from any activity or bad publicity on this site. we have all been linked from there but in no way represent sundayleague or cat games in anyway.



RE: Jealousy indeed

hey get back on topic guys. just how great is my gremlin?

RE: Problem for new gremlins

its a game you sad little Banker.

i have 3 others running off natural xp. and there all doing fine at the moment.

if all our grems stand out so much name them, especially my other 3.

RE: Problem for new gremlins

i`ll just take my ball and go now shall i?

name and shame.

after reading in another thread about grems that refuse or let challenges expire as they believe they will lose.



just so we can see who not to challenge

RE: Ummm, somethings not right

all my grems battle, i have four, but i also have refered lots of friends signed up, i did post a topic on my super grem.

sorry if my gremlin is too good for his age but im proud of the fella, i might even sign him up for ufc.

RE: Ummm, somethings not right

yes it does mean i have reconmended lots of fights, but also with my 10 challenges i try to pick evenish fights so i can get lots of xp win or lose.

sorting by age.

if possible to add the feature on league page to sort by age.

for his age i think my grem is awsome and wanna compare him to others his age but it`s blooming hard sifting threw all the others.

challenge me,

ive used my allocation for today and want to fight some more i have only had a few fights im aiting on loads of replys just turn up and bash me