Info and forum posts by 'sugnaboris'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 24th February 2005, 20:46, Last used: Monday, 6th June 2011, 10:39

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Selecting a Budget DVD Recorder from Dixon`s


Since I have a credit note from Dixon`s, marked as valid for a year, it`s not really up to them to decide whether they treat it as valid or not. It`s an undertaking from Dixon`s to give me £200 worth of credit any time in the next year from the time of issue.

So I`m not in any rush just yet.

I would have hoped for a better range of machines to be coming into Dixon`s by now, though.


RE: Selecting a Budget DVD Recorder from Dixons

Thanks, Jimbo.

I`ve had the credit note a few weeks now, and it`s marked as valid for a year.

RE: Selecting a Budget DVD Recorder from Dixons

Yes, a credit note, not a gift voucher. You are correct.

Still very receptive to specific comments on features & reliability of the models listed!

RE: Selecting a Budget DVD Recorder from Dixons

Thanks for all advice to date.

* I take the point about reliablility.
* I don`t (think) I need to do any hacking.
* I probably won`t have the neck to cross out Dixons and write Jas. Sainsbury in, in crayon.

More views would be very welcome - particularly specific advice on the Lite-On & Matsui models, given what`s already been said.

Thanks again, guys!

RE: Selecting a Budget DVD Recorder from Dixons

Thanks, Jimbo!

I`d still be very interested in opinions on the current range, though - partly to educate me about these things.

Selecting a Budget DVD Recorder from Dixons

Hi guys!

New here, and looking for advice. It`s quite specific, as you`ll see from the thread subject.

The background is that I have a credit note for Dixons for £200, and I want to choose a DVD recorder to spend it on. However, I don`t know much about this market, so I`d be very grateful for some opinions. It would be especially helpful if you could explain the reasons behind your opinions, to help me choose.

Models currently available from Dixons in the £200 or less bracket are:

LITEON LVW5002 £150

I`m particularly interested in reliability, and also in compatibility between the disks these machines record, and other DVD players in general (i.e. if one of the recording formats is less likely to work on other players, that would be useful to know). If you have experience of any of these machines, please pitch in - I`d be delighted to get a couple of opinions on each of them, not necessarily all within a single reply.

One more thing - I don`t mind waiting a month or two if this range is likely to be superseded by a much better choice.

Thanks very much in advance for any advice you can give!