Info and forum posts by 'bigtimefred'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 19th March 2005, 17:36, Last used: Sunday, 25th June 2006, 21:14

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 21 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Liteon v Ellion

Seems that I was wrong when I said ".....If you check out their website - Company > News section : HERE you will see that other disgruntled owners have hacked into it - these messages have not been removed which suggests the site is no longer maintained ?...."

Just checked their site and the hacked messages have been removed !
Perhaps they read this board.

You never know but that the next thing will be that they will start answering email enquiries or even sort out why the firmware update proceedure just doesn`t work.
I`m sure that the updates would give some improvement to the performance of their products but everyone I know of that has tried to install them has failed to do so.

RE: Liteon v Ellion

The Ellion 950 does allow you to record to HDD and play a DVD at the same time. You can also Record to HDD and watch and navigate forwards and backwards and pause the program you are recording. That is the only good news about this make.
The HDD edit facilities are abysmal, you can delete, dub to and from or re-name recordings but nothing else - you cannot edit out adverts etc.

My advice would be to avoid Ellion like the plague.

This is the third machine machine I have had from them. Non have worked well (or at all).
I was given an Ellion as a Christmas present and that broke down after one day. For reasons too complicated to relate here, it was sent for repair and came back with more (different) faults than it had when sent. After a second attempt at repair that failed to eliminate all of the faults, I then received a replacement but this was a dud from the word go. In three months of ownership the machines were usable (almost, never perfect) for about two weeks. My present machine also proved faulty after a month, was repaired and seems to be OK(ish) having survived for about 9 months but even this one is prone to latching up occasionally and has the occasional timer record hiccough.

If you do a search for Ellion on here you will see that others have also had bad experiences with this brand (and also re-badged versions )

I have some doubts as to whether the company is still extant as for over 6 months they have not answered or acknowledged any e-mail enquiries.
If you check out their website - Company > News section : HERE you will see that other disgruntled owners have hacked into it - these messages have not been removed which suggests the site is no longer maintained ?

This item was edited on Friday, 21st April 2006, 11:04

RE: Audio from DVD

Thanks for the replies, I will have a play with both recommendations.


Audio from DVD

Sorry if this is the wrong forum but I couldn`t see a more appropriately titled one and I know there are some very experienced folk on here.

I have made a two hour DVD recording on my Ellicrap 950 and would like to know if it is possible to strip the audio, edit it slightly and record this onto CD`s. Not interested in the video content.
Is there any software around that I could use. ?

Forgot to add that I have an LG 4163 in the PC


This item was edited on Saturday, 18th March 2006, 10:49

RE: Yamada vs LiteOn vs Elion vs HELP!!!

I would suggest you avoid Ellion at all costs.
Out of the four months that I owned one (Christmas pressy) it worked (almost) correctly for approximately five weeks. The rest of the time was spent at the repair shop. A replacement was worse than the first.
Others have had similar experiences, as reported on here.

RE: Another Nero question

Thanks all.

I had already downloaded DVD Shrink but haven`t had the time to look through it yet.

nostalgiadvd, What is the version No. of the older one ?


This item was edited on Wednesday, 19th October 2005, 21:34

Another Nero question

I`ve just installed an LG, GSA-4163B multi drive and need some info regarding burning.

I intend to use DVD Decripter (when I`ve worked out how to) and my question is : can I use Nero Express to burn DVD`s or will I need the full Nero Burning ROM program ?

Be grateful for your advice.

RE: Recommendation for DivX DVD Recorder

I notice that the H & B DRX-430 Slimline DivX DVD Recorder on sale at Ebuyer appears to be the same machine (Ellion 530S)
I think SuperPP`s advice above should also apply to this model.

RE: ELLION dvr-530s TV tuner

I would get your money back if you can.

I had mine replaced but the replacement had more faults that the first one.
I had also tried a firmware update without success after having problems with timer recordings (see above post). In my case it would switch on, the red light would come on but there would be no recording made. I also had problems with the clock re-setting.
It seems they have lots of quality control / firmware problems to resolve with this one.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th June 2005, 16:07

RE: The Paull & phelings dvd recorder argument thread----------READY,,,,,STEADY,,,,,GO-------


I thought this topic was reserved for a one to one dual between phelings and Paull !

RE: ELLION dvr-530s TV tuner


They have suggested they replace it. The replacement arrives on Friday I hope so I will give it a good testing for a week or so and report back.
During the week or two that it did seem to be working, the picture and sound was pretty good even though I could not use RGB due to this over-emphasising the colour.
Mine also seemed to work when using otr but was initially very erratic on timer and then finally stopped making any recording but told me that it was doing so !
Still had two very,very faint vertical lines on some recordings/programmes - most noticeable on letterbox film material.

If the new one is a dud there will be hell to pay.

This item was edited on Thursday, 7th April 2005, 10:00

RE: ELLION dvr-530s TV tuner

Absolutely agree - don`t buy the 530S.

Mine is now three months old during which time I have only been able to use it for a few weeks. It went back for repair three days after unpacking and has been back since. Today I have again had to mail them as it quite often does not record despite the rec. light being on and the OSD showing that it is.

I also get the vertical lines as described plus horizontal `wave` patterns on large areas of bright colour.

At the moment, I think it`s a load of junk.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 23rd March 2005, 15:56