Info and forum posts by 'Witchy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 10th April 2005, 17:46, Last used: Sunday, 5th June 2005, 08:45

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Back in Action

yer well me and my partner are hardly the same sex either and i`m am very sure that sarah and i hate are not the same people their just both nasty bits of work. Have you ever herd the saying treat people how they treat u

RE: Back in Action

you`v collected all this information and yep most of it is true, but when did hooch start his first grem and when did i start mine, thats miner thou he did recommend this site to me yes true and yer we did start our second grems off together.

But he did wait till mine had died (he`s nice like that) so we could make this game more intresting and yer when people like you are always attacking him i am ganna jump to his defence coz it`s bang out of order

By the way my partner is not a sad person like you, he has a thing called a life and a very good one at that, i doubt he would have the time to play two grems.

Oh by the way why dont you just mind your own anyway you sad lady go and kiss sarahs fat arse (DO WOT U DO BEST)

This item was edited on Friday, 13th May 2005, 13:26

RE: Back in Action

At it again are we u sad little people,

u must be well jealous of mr Hoochichoohi wot other reasons have you got.

and as for you Sarah lard arse i think i remember him telling you not to reply to his post u flaming jobs worth.

And as for the sad little man behind this operation just get a life you sado oh and if you can`t write anything nice don`t write anything at all, unless you want a bad reaction

RE: The New Born/The Departed

I no i haven`t been here for long but i have thoroughly looked through all the forums post just too see wot everyones talking about and it is clear too me that there are some people on here who obviously just have to have an answer too everything.

And when that answer is nearly always a sly remark or a pathetic dig at someone it really is just not on, i dont want to offend anyone because as you no i`m quite new here and i dont want to get boycotted but i think maybe some people should not jump on the attack and pick holes in everything.

Hoochichoochi i`v noticed that this has happened a couple of times to you, you poor little thing i hope your little Grem didn`t develope a complex anyways hope he rests in peace and good luck with your next attempt, things always seem to be better the second time around ;)

RE: The New Born/The Departed

Sarah and I hate wot are you both, he was mearly saying he was getting a new gremlin and this time he would not refuse any challanges, as he had lernt a lession from his first experiance.

Even i could see the humor in what he was writing, it seem`s to me that you two are just a pair of sour crouts and can never write anyrhing nice and all ways have too come back with some pathetic rubbish.

I recommend that you stay out of the forum as all you seem too do is offend people, or simply just do not let yourself reply to anyones post as you both seem to have an extremely larg chip on your shoulder`s.