Info and forum posts by 'BugBug'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 7th May 2005, 05:37, Last used: Monday, 28th November 2005, 22:29

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 21 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: And to make matters worse the last 3 to be started were almost immediately terminated

Ah well Matty RIP

Instead of giving you 3 meaningless points now -- I`ll repay you when my next grem is born as you should be climbing the ladder by then.

Sorry Matty....

accidentally hit the refuse button -- I owe you one.

RE: What is the point

Ah -- Mr. Freeze even picks `Hit Harder` for those 10+ below him, huh?? Well, he treats those of us who are a few higher than him in the ranks a different way -- with the `Refuse` button. Isn`t that special?! >:(

RE: Odd Refusal...

Well, well -- #6 -- The Dog met his standards for accepting -- and even returning a challenge -- you see, Mutt, The Dog and Jellibean are both fought by me -- and despite being refused by you -- I decided to go ahead and accept your challenge -- gave you 7 points on my challenge to you -- gave you 3 more on your challenge to me. Now wasn`t that nice?! Bad news is that you now have 2 less challenges coming to you from now on!

Sorry Secretkeeper...

I hit the Refuse by accident on our fight -- I`m sure ole` Fake will have plenty to say that it wasn`t accidental and all -- but it was.

Further -- I think it represented the last straw for me -- I`m not having fun -- I was just hitting the buttons out of habit -- the combination of this turning into a slugfest with very wide differences in scoring and all -- and all the fun that people like Fake have slamming individuals who don`t play the game the way they want them too -- I think I`ll just retire now.

RE: Morley`s Pup

Yep -- was waiting for you to dig this out and try to use it -- the rules have changed, Fake -- plain and simple. I was complaining of the predictability of the game as it was -- and my position has not changed on that. I have already said, quite clearly, that if I were only giving up a reasonable number of points, no problem -- I`m not giving you a huge amount of points.

RE: Refused

You know, Fake -- that`s about enough of the language -- I have a daughter who plays the game -- and I know Sarah does as well -- I`m sure you can be a little more original in your blasts and come up with some nice vanilla ways to tell someone that you`re mad. Grow up, buddy -- and keep this game acceptable for all.

And while you`re at it -- suppose you tell me why in the world, when you have the strongest gremlin of all time, are you challenging people (all three of the ones you mentioned to be exact) that are so far below you in the standings -- you were at #6 and they/we were at 15,16, and 18?? Let`s see -- 5 above you -- 5 below you would take you through #11 -- all grems at the top are active -- why are you picking on someone that far down?? Oh -- and who is the pansy?? I suppose all the ten year olds stood around and let you pound on them when you were 18 too?!

This item was edited on Saturday, 6th August 2005, 01:57

RE: Morley`s Pup

When a big hitter would get 30 some points but I also got high 20s -- then fine -- I can live by your little manifesto. When you get 80 and I get 5 -- forget it -- plain and simple. My actions were clearly within the rules of the game -- if RJS had thought there was a reason to remove the button, I`m sure that small piece of code could have easily been removed. As for the Ws -- check my fights -- I could care less about Ws at my early stage of life. And as for whining when someone refuses me -- nope -- happened three times to me so far -- all by gremlin regulars who did it for the same reason I did it -- I`m not doing the whining `buddy` -- it`s all coming from your corner -- need a towel to cry in?!

RE: Morley`s Pup

why should I be persecuted cos you wanna breed ballet dancers instead of barbarians?

Shouldn`t be persecuted at all -- LOOK -- the rules of this game were changed in mid-stream -- none of us knew what was coming -- it just happened. No big deal -- the basic game is still the same -- the rules have just changed. Being that this was done in mid-stream, some existing grems have extreme advantages over the others -- I chose to refuse a few fights because of these extreme advantages. I don`t think I`m the only one out there doing it either.

Throw all your banter about -- and even use cleverly filthy language Fake -- I have refused a few matches -- and chances are that I`ll refuse more if I`m challenged by someone who will take away a ton of points compared to a very little gain by me.

I seriously don`t believe that we can really assess any of the new changes until all of our grems die off and we`re all forced to start over from scratch. I simply won`t accept fights that are going to net you massive points -- I did it a few times yesterday and learned my lesson. Like it or not -- bash me or not -- that`s the way it is.

RE: Morley`s Pup

Ah -- I see Iva -- you`ve already figured all of this out.....

Fumbling Lover is the winner as No Longer Skiving Jr has passed out!
Fumbling Lover won 3 rounds, doing 4141 damage, whilst No Longer Skiving Jr won 14 rounds, doing 570 damage
Fumbling Lover gained 76 experience points for this match, whilst No Longer Skiving Jr gained 12.

You got Skiving to accept your battle and collected that sweet pot of points -- and you saw that my grem had stats that would also allow you to reap a big reward so you challenged me. Unfortunately, I`m not afraid to use the refuse button.

This item was edited on Friday, 5th August 2005, 16:07

RE: Morley`s Pup

Nice story, Iva -- if it`s all the same to you, I prefer to try to figure out this new and substantially different game we`re playing. So far, what I`ve figured out is that I have higher strength than another grem and enough dex so that he can`t `hit harder` and out number my strength -- it`s great to challenge those with enough stamina to make it last 20 rounds -- the result -- well, I lose the match but receive 60-80 XP while the other guy wins the match and receive 10-20 XP plus ten for the win.

You do the math -- but I have no desire to use my grem who has built up decent stamina at the expense of strength (at least until the game changed) to allow you to hit me three times in a 20 round match and then take away 70 XP while I take 20. No thanks!

Our stats are 1310/2225/1915 (me) to 2700/1000/560 (you) -- exactly the scenario I detailed above -- if I hit harder, my strength goes to 1501 -- that is still significantly lower than your 2700 -- and well, I`m not handing out HUGE buckets of points to you.

Prior to the game change, I have refused NO ONE but once or twice with Bruce -- in the old days, accepting a fight meant you got at least 3 XP -- and could give up a maximum of 36 (if they were lucky enough to knock you out in the 20th round). In the new system, I can easily get zero points against a very high strength grem like yours -- and you can get 70 or 80 if you can make the fight last long enough.

No thanks!!

I didn`t like the old system as I thought it favored high dex grems too much and had caused the game to become boring because of its predictability and the fact that everyone was using the same style. I was hoping that the new system would change that -- and it did -- but now it`s a MUCH different landscape -- may be better as all of the grems that existed when the change hit die off and a fresh crop are created. Everyone is running for more strength right now as they see that as the way to win -- but high strength grems get quick knockouts and thus less points unless they fight grems a little higher than them in the standings who have the stamina to withstand a few punches. I choose not to provide you with all of the points that MY stamina earned you!!

RE: New plan regarding dexterity issue

RJS --

My 2 cents...

No matter what you suggest to make it more interesting, the dex lovers are going to cry about it. For myself, there is no fun in a game where the only thing to look forward to is watching 20 rounds peck away between two grems who are too weak to do any damage whatsoever. This game is VERY simple to succeed at -- simply build stamina and dex to a point where you can survive the entire 20 rounds -- challenge some other weaklings and try to expand your circle of associates so that you get at least 10 challenges sent back to you. I`ve been playing through 3 grems now -- and I just can`t see the reason to stick around something that is so predictable. The game itself is great and you deserve high accolades for creating something like this -- the culture of the masses is disturbing though -- there is only one way to play the game in their minds and anyone who goes against that is bannished by denying them challenges. Long live the grems who sit atop the standings with losing records -- and who are afraid to challenge anyone who has any strength at all.

It`s been interesting -- but I`ll leave the game to the weaklings now!


RE: What`s with the


This item was edited on Sunday, 10th July 2005, 08:11

RE: What`s with the


This item was edited on Sunday, 10th July 2005, 08:10

RE: What`s with the


This item was edited on Sunday, 10th July 2005, 08:10