Info and forum posts by 'RxMan'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 7th May 2005, 21:53, Last used: Monday, 25th October 2010, 15:32

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: KIlling off unused Gremlins

Hello ??? MOD ??? are you out there ???

KIlling off unused Gremlins

I used the SEARCH function and saw that this topic was raised back in March05 .... BUT .... it doesn`t appear to have been addressed by a MOD or any action taken.

I think that if a grem goes for five days with no activity it should be "put down". If it`s owner is on Holiday, I`m sure they would understand. This would clear up all the rubbish grems sitting at the bottom of the table (who have not had any activity) making life difficult for new BABY gremlins to know who to fight without switching back and forth between the Challenge Screen and the View League Screen.

How does everybody feel about this ???

MOD ... what do YOU think ???

This item was edited on Tuesday, 29th November 2005, 05:34

RE: What`s going on ???

How is the new plan coming along? Have you had time to start on it yet?
VERY anxious to see what you`ve got up your sleeve to solve this problem.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th November 2005, 01:07

RE: What`s going on ???

It appears that there is/are one or two people playing this game with multiple Grems. I know I enquired about getting another one myself but refrained due to the conflict of interest it would cause. But this one or two individuals seem to have five or six gremlins between them that seem to .... coincidentally ..... work together to get mega points to surpass ever other Grem.

My Grem is now a teenager and I`ve sent out the maximum amount of challenges every day. But ..... I`ve already got four lapses and several challenges that are still waiting. It appears this/these individuals are letting grem fights wait the max of three days so that they can strengthen themselves, play against each other, then at the last moment they accept. This way my once equal or stronger grem is now weaker and has to pick his bottom side up off the floor.

I thought this was supposedly a nice family game. But I`m sorry to say with the actions of one or a few .... this game is rapidly going down the toilet.

I hope the Administrators can figure a program adjustment that only allows two grems from the same computer address. This would be a problem with dial-up customers, with there being no way to monitor them, but with more and more people switching over, it can only be a positive thing.

Some people will read this and tell me to stop whining and stop playing the game. Others will "possibly" agree with me. Whichever way you feel .... I will continue to play the game and see if there is a way to defeat this "syndicate" in a fair and fun way.

Sorry for my long thesis ... I just had to get this off my chest !!!

What`s going on ???

I presently have TWELVE outstanding challenges that have not been accepted. One just lapsed for time and five are about to. Meanwhile USNA is still a baby and gained 10 spots so must be getting plenty of game time.

I have NEVER refused playing any Grem, I looked at but decided it was not "fair" to have more than my one and only Grem. I don`t think that I`ve upset anybody in any way, shape or form.

I also avoid hitting harder as much as possible and try to match my Grem to my opponent with increased dexterity, conserve energy or use the none. So why am I feeling like for some reason I`m being blackballed ???

I admit that I`ve had to choose some lower ranking Grems for fights ONLY because my challenges to Grems around me are sitting idle and I`m just looking for some competition.

Is anybody else having this problem or have a clue as to what I may have done wrong to upset people ??? If I have upset people, for whatever reason ... I do apologize !!!


RE: MoreGremlins

I`ve tried setting up different Grems via different email addresses .... but it keeps coming back to my original account !!! I`m an old git and not very computer literate, so my guess is I`m doing something wrong that should be terribly easy !!!!




How do I go about creating more than one Gremlin ??? Dear Old Bawbaggins X will be kicking the bucket today. When he does I would like to create TWO gremlins to try out different strategies.

Can someone please give me some advice ???


RE: Do what the name says --- BASH BONUS

Bonus the Whimp has refused to fight my current Gremlin EIGHT times. I kept giving the guy a chance ... stupid me. FOUR times he challenged me AFTER refusing my challenge. To say the least when he challenged Bawbaggins yesterday I returned the favour and refused him. I wish I read about Bonus the Whimp in the forums earlier, You can bet from now on I`ll be a regular here in the Forums to keep up with what`s going on.
Cheers guys