Info and forum posts by 'davemuise'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 13th May 2005, 18:27, Last used: Friday, 3rd June 2005, 16:52

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Phillips DVD R70 vs Samsung DVD-R100E?

Both are on sale at Tescos for £144. Which is th best buy?


This item was edited on Wednesday, 1st June 2005, 14:19

bestest cheapest dvd-recorder?

Can anyone suggest one?

By cheap i mean under £130.


Had To Return Goodmans DVDR301R DVD Recorder...

I had to return this machine back to Argos, two weeks after i bought it.

It was VERY hot too touch and the clock was jumping ahead by two hours every day.

The vents werent blocked but i dont know how many times i had to reset the damn thing. almost off of dvd-recorders now..


i entered 8880 like the directions give


yes!! PLEASE EMAIL ME TOO (see below) ! Ive gotten as far as the all-important "set region free" message then still wont play my r1 discs!




Goodmans DVDR301R opinion?


im a virgin when it comes to dvd-recorders and this cheap baby (£129) looks quite loaded with features..prob is, its a Goodmans :/

There is an £99 Alba at Argos too but its as flat in features as my mother-in-law.. :p

whatcha think? buy or not?

heres the link:

This item was edited on Friday, 13th May 2005, 19:39