Info and forum posts by 'Evangelly'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 16th May 2005, 13:29, Last used: Sunday, 20th August 2006, 20:27

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Virginia Beach Gal

This user has posted a total of 31 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: *Steve*, why the refusals ??

Henry`s ***** just refused me !!!! LOL

I wonder if they just like to read about them selves in this message board. ... maybe they are thinking about how to get written up about and they say.. well Beanpole was written up about because he refused, maybe I will refuse too and get written about !!

Sort of their 5 minutes of "Online Fame" !!


PS: Maybe we should start writting about who "does" accept our challenges !!! (lets think on that)

This item was edited on Thursday, 17th November 2005, 19:49

RE: pillbox <> .¦. <> , My apologies !

Yes you are right about all being fair in love and war ;)

As far as etiquette about choosing hitting harder, I don`t think there is one, the only time I do hit harder is when I am playing with Jpin95 !! he he, got to get some practice ... (just kidding) Evangelly is way too nice for stuff like that !!


This item was edited on Thursday, 17th November 2005, 19:40

pillbox <> .¦. <> , My apologies !

pillbox <> .¦. <>,

I apologize for the Hit Hard, I assure you it was a slip of the finger :(


RE: *Steve*, why the refusals ??


You are too funny !!

*Steve* has never refused me and he makes a good challenge....... quite distressing.. I feel there is a disturbance in the force........ :/

A ;)

RE: Beanpole, why the refusals ??

I wonder how many other "victims" of refusals we have here ;)

Beanpole, why the refusals ??


The first time that you refused my challenge I figured it was your game style.

Then you challenged me and I accepted. I return the challege and you refuse me again.... :/

Should I just stop challenging you ??? Hate to waste my challenges.

A little confused.


Evangelly Finally Number One !!

Hello there All :)

This is not a bragging notice, its a THANK YOU notice to all of you to helped Evangelly get to number ONE !!

Thanks to you guys who accepted and sent Evangelly challenges (even if all you were getting was 3 points) , and off course Thanks for all of you who STILL accept my challenges !!

It was a tough fight but we made it even with all the changes in the Grems.

Can`t wait to do it all over again.. LOL ..

THANKS again to all :)

A 8)

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Fellow Grem Afficionados ..

Evangelly II has passed on... :( and because I either can`t count as high as 3 or maybe because all the drinking during her funeral, she has been cloneed... but now she is a slug instead of a bunny... LOL

Anyway, thanks to everybody that helped Evangelly II get to number "6" !!! I will try to eventually get to number "1" !!

Wish I knew how to put up a pic of her up.... perhaps its the drinking again ;)

Evangelly II you will be remembered....

Evangelly II
was born on
away on

Sorry Scrooter X

Think I could have extended the "rumble" to get us both more points.

Will make adjustments :)


RE: Five fights and no points ??? What is up with this ???

YES :)

That would be a good idea !! At least until we either get used to these new rules or get new and improved rules and regulations !!

A :)

RE: Accepting all Challenges is the Evangelly Way ;)


Thanks for giving me this heads up, I quess I will wait and see if there is a change on the code before I challenge you again :/

This also goes for Eugene, Skidmark and BlueEleven too :(

I hope that we can all start playing like good little gremlins again....... soon :)

Everybody else !! LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE !!!!

A ;)

Accepting all Challenges is the Evangelly Way ;)

I really don`t fully understand this change, but I still won`t REFUSE any challenges, its only a click of the button to me.

So challenge away !!!! For you guys that have refused me, think of it the same way, its just a click for you and you are helping fellow grems....

I guess hitting hard is the way to go now ???.. I do feel bad for the littler guys... but I guess there will always be someone bigger and stronger than Evangelly ;)

See you at the ring !!!


Five fights and no points ??? What is up with this ???

Since when do we fight and get not a single point for it ???

Is this a gitch or the way the game will be played from now on ??

Comments / Questions ?? Anybody

A :(

HELLBOY and Bugoff2

Thanks for the challenges.

Just wanted to make sure that you guys knew I AM trying to make them last.... (Don`t think Eva knows her own strenght :(

Good luck out there !!

Angelica :)

RE: Sequenza`s last day!


I apologize if I could not make your challenge... I hope I did... time just seems to go by rather quick..., its summer and here we must be at the beach on weekends !!

I will try to make it up to you :) Send me all your challenges and I will comply ;)

From now on, I will check my Eva Challenges on weekends at least once a day !!

A. :)

RE: Would love some Challenges


Thanks for the challenges,

A :)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th July 2005, 03:21

RE: Would love some Challenges


You could not belive how suprised I was when I won that challenge, but don`t worry Moo set the record straight all ready, he he

Thanks for the challenges,

A :)

RE: Would love some Challenges


Thanks for the challenges, I don`t think Evangelly has much left to live !!! LOL


RE: Would love some Challenges


Will try those "tips" :)

I just hope I live long enough to keep accepting and giving challenges !!! ;)


RE: Would love some Challenges

Ellie Bear 3 :)

Thanks for the challenge, tried to challenge you back but you where busy !!

I will make sure that I keep checking and send ya a challenge ;)


RE: Would love some Challenges


Cool you are number one then ?? !!

Congrats !


PS: What is your secret ???

RE: Would love some Challenges

Hope to see your challenges !!

Like I said I am new at this, what is your Char.`s name so I know ?? ;)


Would love some Challenges


New in this Forum, and I am loving it :x I would like to see my "Evangelly" to getting more challenges.

I won`t refuse any challenge and often check this site more than I really should admit !! ----Think I am becoming addicted :/ .... probably the usual with this site ???


Angelica 8)

This item was edited on Thursday, 21st July 2005, 02:36