Info and forum posts by 'boomtown'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 28th June 2005, 13:28, Last used: Thursday, 27th July 2006, 07:55

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: St Andrew`s Day

*giggles at the scottish*

new walkman

OMG :o
bye bye ipod
check this bad boy out

RE: Best PAYG Network Advice

the o2 offer is by far the best in my oppinion, and they are doing a downlaod on their website where u can win free stuff, so cant winge

RE: mobile phone deals

how does that work? is it payg?
please do i get it for free?
so many questions!

mobile phone deals

was wondering if u lot can help
i want to change away from my contract phone to a payg for university
my phone is unlocked, so a sim deql would be fine!
whats the best deal around at the moment?
Whats everyone else using?

RE: LIVE 8 - So what`s your opinions?

I think it was a great gig, but having seen the chili`s at hyde park and having spoken to a few of my friends who managed tog et livew 8 tickets >:( (barstools!) it suffers fropm the hyde park problem of the sounds is poop...and u can see anything unless ur in the golden circle!

butif i was big rich and famous i think ii would perform, and to say bands are doing it for publicity is probably a little harsh...what ahve pink floyd got to gain they dont even exist in band for many more

roll on the next live??? gig

RE: Why does Ricky Gervais hate Jonathon Ross?

from what i can work out they are good mates.....

my dad met ricky the other day and didnt know who he was....quite funny really, as he visited his office!

RE: Cheap iPod (pref mini)

some of us are vain!

RE: Music Download sites, for Latest Chart Music - British and US Albums Wanted.

i don`t personally download any music but think i saw that Tesco or Amazon does MP3 downloads for a relatively low price.

also i am very sure that HMV and such big music retailers will provide this service!

RE: Cheap iPod (pref mini)

Nah, i disagree go for the Ipod, it offers great style and function as well as Iconic design, in fact id go buy two, buy one for yourself to use aas pernormal, and another to keep for 20years and sell, as they are predicted to be workt an absolute fortune....(think star wars figures but less nerdy!)
Its easy to use, thee is loads of information available on it, and as its an apple its not going to be liable to a million bugs etc etc which tend to attack these sort of things!