Info and forum posts by 'Craig David'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 26th August 2005, 14:12, Last used: Monday, 22nd May 2006, 20:15

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 18 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: SL65 Patch code

SL65`s form part of the next gen `hackable` set top boxes.
educational purposes aside they allow free channels and much fun.

don`t think they have been hacked yet but check out



£5 you say? well depends. PG tips stuff is really collectable few years down the line. Their tea rocks but i`m Fairtrade now 8)

rename your .gif to .txt, update ur sig then the image should display m8 :B


RE: Top Laptop

if you want a quick laptop for emails, surfing watching/writing DVD (DL!) and have a budget of £500 this would be the computer to buy, nothing comes close. as with build quality they wouldnt be in business if their laptops fell apart would they?

and yeah Intel did take a step backwards with P4. should be well known around hardware comunites (geeks) know that Intels dual-core chips are as one hardware review site commented "Pentium 3 on steroids"



i stand corrected. it probably isn`t a scam. doesnt compensate voda customers from being charged an extra 2p per text message!!!! I went with orange for that very reason 6 years ago and have been with them since.



captialise on the warehouse burning down by storing them in a breifcase in your loft for the next decade.


RE: Free Orange Sim Card (PAYG)

5 years ! you stand a good chance of loosing the SIM card in that time or you being mugged and loosing the phone too. interestingly 15 x 12 x 5 = £900 !!!

backup your numbers people, guarrentee somebody reading this will wish they had this week.



sounds like a scam be aware people.
most likely deducts £5 from your PAYG balance.


RE: And the winners are.... Nestle

Might aswell tell all us KitKashers to f*** off.

or get a life, your choice.

mods/admins can we close this thread its getting sad.
nestle is a nasty company to "work" for if you`re out in the fields all day picking coca beans for 10ths of pennys, only to be sold to fat westerners who want something for nothing.

work in Ethiopia for a week and that would working for nothing.


RE: Shrek 2 FREE

heh yeah lets keep the real bargains here :B


RE: Godfather Trilogy (5 disk W/S boxset) - £12.99

this box set will go upto £20 in the run up to christmas. buy it now if you wanna.


RE: 7 inch Portable DVD Player 75ukp

the ebuyer reviews seem honest and ebuyer rarely/never have crappy merchandise, I should know I spend about £1500 per year with them.

The DVD player has dropped 15 squid in 3 months and has optical out for lossless output to a suitable amplifier /surround kit.


RE: Blueyonder - NTL broadband customers..

think i`m paying nearly £35 per month for 2mb NTL and THE UPLOAD STILL SUCKS. (how can i Bt with 20kb/s up?!)

thanks, will give them a ring. still its all this money that means their network will support 10mbps very soon. yeah ok most goes to the fat cats but if you invest and stay loyal the benifits do appear.

should I whinge about the cost of broadband or digital tv (with a "i wanna pause tv wah wah" sky+) theme ?


RE: Free 50 MP3s

lol the site aint working now. doesnt suprise me much.


RE: Aldi Medion PC next Thursday - 499.99

AMD Opteron comparison with Intels best offerings.

As you can see the bandwidth on Pentium systems is shared, thus causing a bottleneck starving the processor(s) of data. This bottleneck will exist on Intels dual core chips too as they share the same cache memory. If one core is accessing the memory the other will "sleep" for a few micro ops till it becomes available again. Each core on AMD`s setup has dedicated L1 cache and both can access the system memory independantly.

appologies for my newb comments earlier.

RE: Aldi Medion PC next Thursday - 499.99

I think INTELS business practices STINK of dog s***.
Their no.1 policy is to screw you as the customer over.

They make you upgrade and buy more expensive components for NO REASON
Creating the PCIe standard "just because" there`s plenty of UNUSEDbandwidth left in AGP. X8 wasn`t being used to it`s full potential. There is no difference between AGP and PCIe YET but it is the future.

Making people buy DDR2when there`s no real benefit and latencies are thru the roof. That`s why AMD haven`t bothered with DDR2 and will probably jump straight to DDR3 in `07

Making people buy price-fixed RAMBUScrap memory again poor latencies.

LGA775 mobo? Wanna go dual core? "SORRY"you need to buy A BRAND NEW MOTHERBOARD because we like screwing the customer and a BIOS update would be too clever.

so yeah INTELsucks and is responsible for GLOBAL WARMING with their 100w+ CPUs. AMD have cool `n quiet which downclocks the CPU when not needed! genius!

AMD`s 939 chips were designed FROM THE STARTto accomidate dual cores rather than two Pentium cores botched together, fighting for the same bus bandwidth!!!!

Support INTEL and you`re backing the loosers

RE: Uncapped broadband bargain - early warning!

I think with any ISP you`re going to get screwed over at some point.
They all have their weaknesses and problems. Here are a few tips.

[*] avoid premium rate ISPs (50p / £1 /min)
[*] keep jobs in the UK ! sign up with UK providers who have call centers in the UK
[*] check out ADSLGUIDE particulaly the ISP unhappiness section (real eye opener)

yes I used to work for a UK ISP.


RE: Aldi Medion PC next Thursday - 499.99

If you plan on playing 3D games your money would be better spent on a Athlon 64 machine. An average spec box could be built for £500 ish. Lots of socket 754 motherboards + processors on ebay currently, allowing you to use cheaper AGP cards.

no difference between AGP and PCIe yet its just where the technology is going..... or

OK S754 Motherboard = £50
Keyboard Mouse = £25
3000+ CPU = £67
1Gb RAM = £60
80Gb HDD = £45
400w PSU = £40
Graphics = £120 (eg GF 6600)
DVD RW = £35
Floppy = £3
Case = £40

= £485
