Info and forum posts by 'Crackerjackjoe'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 28th October 2005, 20:13, Last used: Sunday, 27th January 2008, 09:22

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

fao Littleun

sorry sorry sorry

hit the wrong button, didn`t mean to beat you up quite so harshly.


RE: ......bored...........

yes it`s lost it`s appeal................................................

RE: how many days

None I don`t agree with it, preferred the old style

RE: Apology/Explanation

If they were falling on deaf ears where have all the responses come from ? ;)

It`s inevitable if you come out and admit who you are and what you were doing then you will get responses. All these people have been sat at their PCs whingeing at the screen, you`ve given them someone to direct their frustrations at so I`m afraid you have to accept them. I don`t think there are any hard feelings just lots of frustrated Gremlin Fighters. The only way of knowing for sure is to come back with one or two and see what reaction you get.
As you said earlier, it`s only a game, but fair play and competitiveness are parts of any game so you`ve got to expect fevers to run high when people feel hard done by.

RE: Multiple Gremlins

Thanks for the explanation but I don`t think it`s up to the boardmembers to decide your fate, that`s your decision solely. Do you want to fight or not is the question you have to answer.
I understand your frustrations at not getting fights or only getting 3 points but that`s your choice. Why create a gremlin when there are no active grems at the lower level? The green activity bar is your best friend and if it`s anything other than full check out the grem`s history, if he hasn`t fought for two days don`t challenge until you see the activity rise again.
It is a game and a good one when you get the chance to fight many gremlins who are all around your level and I guess that is people`s major gripe here, they couldn`t get anywhere near yours so didn`t bother.

I must admit I`ve created mine knowing there was no activity at the bottom but I assumed all those above me would be dying so I`d soon be in a position of power. I`m challenging way above my weight but 3 points is better than no points and soon my time will come, I have patience ;)

Welcome Barney III ...


It`s been so quiet, nice to see a new kid on the block

This item was edited on Monday, 2nd January 2006, 00:11

RE: Have you all gone on Christmas holiyday early?

Nor me! I wondered if all these grems belonged to the same couple of people and when ones down they`re all down ....

where`s all the new ones too? I`ve no-one to fight unless I get obliterated, it`s very very quiet, have people got bored???????