Info and forum posts by 'camraman 2000'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 19th November 2005, 16:13, Last used: Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 20:41

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Peter Tyson; Any Good?

Don`t know about their on line set up but they are well respected as a audio/visual retailer in their local area (Carlisle).

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RE: DVD Recorders

I`ve heard that Fusion are supposed to be bringing out a Twin Tuner Freeview PVR with built in DVDr (Fusion FVRTD100) for archiving but I can`t seem to find any recent reference to it. This would be exactly what I was after. Failing that do I take it that with twin SCART`s on the PVR it is simply a case of plugging the DVDr into the second scart to enable me to archive to DVD. This is for the Mother in Law and as she hasn`t a DVD player at the present she might as well get a DVDr but of course I can`t let her upstage me so I will also have to be nice to the wife.

RE: DVD Recorders

Thanks All
I don`t know what I would do without forums. All I have to decide on now is which Twin Tuner PVR. Here we go again!!!!

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RE: DVD Recorders

This has been edited because while I was trying to get my head around the terminology "nostalgiadvd" has answered my question.
It seems that the best solution is to get a Twin Tuner PVR with built in Freeview (such as a Digifusion FVRT100) and an ordinary DVD recorder that way I can record 1 digital channel and watch another and then archive to DVD anything I want to keep.
If I have still got this wrong someone please tell me.

This item was edited on Sunday, 20th November 2005, 22:35

RE: DVD Recorders

Thanks for the info.
The Panasonic DMR-ES20 is looking the best bet at the minute. It is an Xmas pressie for the mother in law who has just got the hang of her mobile phone although the last techy thing we bought her was the freeview box and that got tested, and left, on our own system and we had to go and buy her a new one. I think the same may happen here. :/
Do I take it correct that all DVD recorders with built in Freeview will record 1 channel while you view another? or does it have to have a specific specification ie dual tuner etc and how does this differ from those that I have seen that will record 2 channels at the same time?

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DVD Recorders

Being new to the medium of DVD recorders I need somones advice. At the moment I have seperate TV, VCR and Freeview box. As such If I want to record a digital channel I have to also watch it and cannot watch analogue while recording digital or record digital while watching digital. I want to go to DVD recorder but the choice is so varied I am confused (not difficult :D ). If I want to watch digital and record digital at the same time what gear do I need? Forget analogue we will be first to lose it up here anyway. I am quite prepared to ditch the freeview box and go for DVD recorder with built in digital (freeview) receiver if this will do the job but do I need to have "twin tuners" etc. All I want to do is watch 1 digital channel while recording 1 or even 2 other digital channels. Is it that difficult?
All help gratefully received.

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This item was edited on Saturday, 19th November 2005, 16:37