Info and forum posts by 'mb500mark'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 29th December 2000, 21:44, Last used: Friday, 29th December 2000, 21:44

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: dvd wannabe
16:9 can`t afford to be!

This user has posted a total of 24 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Ive been caught

I ordered 3 criterion dvds from and got charged £15.96 by the postie. Never again - I think I`ve just been very unlucky though because most people seem to have received their parcels via holland which eliminates the duty etc..


RE: american psycho (i dont get it)

The `point` was that maybe, just maybe all the killings and psycho thoughts and comments he made were just a figment of his imagination. Try watching it again - it makes sense.. the film doesn`t do the book justice though..


RE: LG 3350 TV probs?

Sorry Troll, I would but there`s a `warranty void if removed` sticker on the back of the case. I can`t really afford to..


LG 3350 TV probs?

I got my LG player last week. It is superb and the macro off (techtronics) feature seems to work as well (I`ve only got one scart cable so I haven`t used it much yet.)

One problem though (it may not be though.) I can`t watch TV at all when the player is switched on. Is this normal? I just get the DVD picture scrolling from left to right on the screen with the brightness alternating (and going green occasionally). Bit annoying.

Also, I`ve only got a 20 pin scart cable. Is it worth getting a 21 pin cable?



RE: play247 GONE??

To be fair to them, they have agreed to refund me. There seems to have been some confusion at their end as to whether they have received them or not. This may be due to the `flooding`. Good on them anyway.


RE: play247 GONE??

I was told exactly the opposite. i.e. I would have to pay return postage costs and therefore I shouldn`t accept the parcels. Oh well.

RE: play247 GONE??

Thanks for the advice ;) I did want them, I just found them cheaper elsewhere after I had ordered them.

They now tell me that they have never received the returned DVDs. Great. £33 down the drain. The operator actually told me - "when the postman arrives, just refuse delivery and write `return to sender` on the parcel with the address and then send it back to us".

The DVDs are probably sitting in their warehouse waiting to be sent to someone else now.

RE: play247 GONE??

They`re useless. I ordered two DVDs that I didn`t want. I tried to cancel them but they were `processing` (which lasted 5 days). I sent them back two weeks ago and haven`t heard anything since! no refund, no email nothing. I emailed them last week and they haven`t replied.

Never again.

RE: Anybody know where to buy an LG3350e?

read my fonts :

n o c h a n c e !!! maybe after a year has passed!


This item was edited on Saturday, 13rd January 2001, 23:28

RE: Whats yer Best Movie Scene Ever?

This thread is going to last forever..!

How about in Donnie Brasco where Pacino is sitting in the car with Johnny Depp before they have to kill that stoned guy in the boat? The tension there is brilliant. I like the way Pacino`s leather jacket keeps on rubbing on the seat as well (I`m weird!)

RE: Anybody know where to buy an LG3350e?

I`ve cancelled my order from dabs due to them arseing around (why do they state 3-4 or 1-2 days if it`s not true?) and ordered from techtronics. They`ve got them in stock and I `should` be receiving next wednesday. I`ll hold my breath. I`ve gone for the macrovision disabled one.


RE: LG3350 Macro

Surely if the macrovision disable thing was activated by remote control , techtronics would put the code up on their website (in the online manuals).. like they have for the multiregion hack...

It has to be a hardware hack I think..


RE: LG3350 Macro

Yup - strikes me as odd the way that the player was already `modded` and now you can get an extra `mod` for £17 more.

Would this be a firmware trick or a hardware (pin snapping) alteration?



RE: Aiwa 370 vs. LG 3350 - Recording on to VHS!

Yup - but now I`ll be able to connect my VCR and DVD player without fiddling around at the back of my TV all the time, switching scarts. ie. tv>dvd>vcr. If I get a macrovision hack (from sonel or somewhere (has anyone got the maplin url?)) I should then be able to record to VCR I assume.


RE: LG DVD-3350E from DABS - will it hack

Read my thread about the same thing. I put it in the general forum for some reason..


Techtronics about to remove Macrovision from LG3350?

I`ve just read that techtronics are to stock LG3350s from early new year with macrovision disabled. Has anyone heard the same thing?

I read it on home cinema online. Has anyone heard the same thing?


RE: No-`chipped` LG 3350 gamble?

Well I`ve ordered one.... wish me luck. I assume I will receive it next week sometime and I will let everyone know if the hack works or not..

Thanks for your help,


No-`chipped` LG 3350 gamble?

I`d like to know how many people have bought a `non-modded` LG 3350 player which actually is multi-regional. I was thinking of doing just that from but it seems a big gamble, especially as dabs`s returns policy seems a bit iffy.

Has anyone else been (or is anyone else) in the same situation?

There is a bit of talk on `` from Justin from saying that normal lg`s aren`t multiregional at all. I`d like to hear some more independent opinions though!



This item was edited on Saturday, 30th December 2000, 17:55

RE: Cheap DVDs at

I couldn`t find any cheaper dvds on that site that arrive next day..
If you want to shop abroad then go for it but it`s not really worth the hassle for £1.50 less is it?

Cheap DVDs at

Not sure if I`m allowed to do this - but the above company sell most DVDs at £14.99 and deliver next day. I`ve ordered from them before and there haven`t been any problems at all. They do masses of R2 and R1 releases as well.

Let me know if anyone can get DVDs for cheaper!

RE: Aiwa 370 vs. LG 3350 - Recording on to VHS!

I`ve read a lot of the threads about the LG 3350 being able to play region 1 without the techtronics `mod.` So I may as well order one from who are much cheaper anyway. Shame, as I like the way the Aiwa looked but the two scarts seem quite important.

I`d never even heard of VCD until tonight so I`m not sure I need that much.


RE: Aiwa 370 vs. LG 3350 - Recording on to VHS!

d`oh.. ok thanks.. one more silly question though..

Could I still use the LG player`s second scart socket to attach my VCR? (remember, my TV only has one scart) I assume I could still play VHS with the dvd attached. I don`t really want to use the splitter because of the picture detioration so would the £30 extra (including walking with dinosaurs! hooray..) for the LG be worth it?



RE: Aiwa 370 vs. LG 3350 - Recording on to VHS!

I was told that I could record to VHS by using my splitter box.

i.e. dvd > splitter
vcr > splitter
splitter > tv

How could macrovision tell the vcr was recording if it has no direct connection to it?

Surely this would work (although the vhs picture quality would be pants?)

I`m probably completely wrong though..



Aiwa 370 vs. LG 3350 - Recording on to VHS!

I`m torn between getting one of the above. I know the LG has 2 scart connectors which would enable me to attach the VHS directly to it. However I own a SCART splitter which i currently use for my n64. Does anyone know whether it would be possible to record from DVD to VHS using this splitter? (My TV only has one scart socket)

I know I could always connect the VHS to the TV with the RF but it would be a bore.

I like the look of the Aiwa as well. Help!

ps. Do any cables come with the player?

