Info and forum posts by 'classy-bird'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 11th December 2005, 17:12, Last used: Tuesday, 23rd May 2006, 20:43

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 42 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

BB spoilers

Can anyone on here get hold of the spoilers for the show? Or point me in the right direction? ;)


RE: Good Luck

Can`t believe it - I completely missed that. I just assumed that they`d do it right at the end :( :(

RE: Good Luck

Good luck everyone, wonder if we`ll all manage to get a bid on this one!!

RE: Is Kitkash on the slide??

I must have blinked and missed it :(

Was it on page 1 or 2?

RE: Is Kitkash on the slide??

:) Hi Im back!

Loads of posts for me to read through this weekend!

The KK prizes don`t seem to have changed much.

Im determined to get one of these little tv things :)


Yes the Sony radio was definately the best buy item last year :)


Oh boooo - I missed it as well. I wouldn`t care I`ve been watching every 10 minutes or so!

Never mind :(

Same old stuff

Hi guys,

Managed to miss the phones :(

This is like watching paint dry !!!!

Do we think this going to be it for the next 9 months ??

RE: Can you help?

No probs Jez, Riders For Health doing well in the voting stakes :) Good luck to your wife x

RE: Welcome to our Kit Kash forum

What just happened there?

Kept saying "oops there was a problem" & wouldn`t let me open the holidays page. Auction was over by the time I could open the page & it went for just 4600 kitkash!!!!!!!!!

RE: Welcome to our Kit Kash forum

Have noticed in the terms and conditions that you can`t use the Expedia vouchers during peak times such as Christmas, Bank Holidays and School Holidays. That seems a bit unfair!

RE: Welcome to our Kit Kash forum

Even better MickyM, should have plenty kitkash for 2 minutes then (my brain hasn`t started working properly today yet!)

RE: Welcome to our Kit Kash forum

Good morning all :)

Noticed that the car is up to nearly 3 and a half million now!

How many points do you reckon the holiday will go for in the 5 minute auction? Hope its less than 46,000 as that`s all I`ve got left now, don`t know whether to buy more packets or just use up what`s left (which will probably get me another toaster or kettle.)

Good luck to everyone ;)


Interesting about the private auction room, I`ve tried guessing the password/code but obviously not that clever! :)

RE: ipod now up on kitkash

A bit obvious but I don`t see why they can`t just get rid of the auctions when they have ended & don`t show the auctions until they have started, why even bother with "coming soon?" Could even have a separate section of all auctions remaining, at least then you`d know whats left etc. ;)

ipod now up on kitkash

I see they`ve just put up an ipod nano, wonder how many days that will be "coming soon" for !!!!!!!!! ;)

RE: Ebay sale - Account with 2 Million Points

How many people like me are feeling like the muppet that is being auctioned on gadgets :) :) :)

RE: KitKash 2006 promotion looks crazy but better than 2005

Haven`t bid for a while as the amounts were getting silly, just gone in now to see what`s up for grabs today the whole site is down >:( >:(
Wonder what will happen to the current bids then as there`s no way you can see who has the highest bid when it`s like this & some auctions may be due to end soon!!!!!!

RE: Seems like a reasonable request.

Morning all,

mickym - the hubby was also celebrating the Souness sacking last night!

See they`ve got one of those Atari game things up for auction, I quite fancy one of those as takes me back 2 my childhood! :)

Apart from that looks like the same old stuff.

RE: Swindles or packet building

Hi mickym - will check Asda in-store prices if we go shopping 2nite, if they have doubled in price I guess thats made my decision for me & I`ll not bother buying anymore until someone else brings double points special promotion. At least I won`t get anymore funny looks at the checkout for buying piles of the things. ;)

RE: Swindles or packet building

Looks like it`s going 2 be the same old stuff now every day apart from the odd 5 minute auction that everyone knows about cos shown on the home page :( .
The rest of the cars and Expedia vouchers will no doubt go for a few million points each! >:(
Trying 2 decide whether 2 buy more kitkats, preferably today as last day when you get the Asda double points on the 1800 wrappers. or just to stick with what I`ve got and try and get a couple more electrical items :) .

RE: First Car

Well done REAL DEAL, pleased someone on here won the car. :) It`s my turn next though (that`s if there`s another 5 minute car auction) ;)

RE: First Car

I also managed to get 1 bid in half way through

Hope someone on here won it!

RE: One item

Im still getting that "No auction could be found with this ID" when I click on "watch" for the car >:( >:(


Been out the office all today so couldn`t get onto KK website, just been looking at the winners list for today & seen how much the Expedia holiday went for !!!!!!!!!

Got my DVD player tonight :) , still waiting for one of the t-shirts though :(

Anni - re the bidding problem, didn`t something like this happen last year when the whole site crashed one night and one of the televisions went for a really small amount because no-one could bid on it?? Maybe the sheer volume of people on it at once, tomorrow at 3pm should be fun then if that`s the case!

Good luck tomorrow with the car everyone :) :)

RE: 5 minute car auction

Now up on the kitkash home page

5 minute auction for the car on Friday at 3pm :) :) :) :) :)

RE: Lowest unique bid is flawed?

Well Jez I`m from "up there" in Newcastle & managed to win 2 prizes ...
2 lovely t-shirts ;) ;)

RE: Way2Good back and Bad

Well I don`t seem to have missed much on the KK website these last few days, tried to bid for the Atari thingy earlier 2day but couldn`t get a single bid in.

Anni - I hope you get a satisfactory result, what a disgrace.

RE: Dodgy goods...

Im just so pleased that I didn`t take a week off work to do this! I originally was going to have a week off at the start of this promotion to give myself a good chance of bagging a couple of decent prizes ;)

You`re right about Littlewoods - I`ve tried to do a search on each of the prizes that come up but it just comes up as that product not found, so it maybe they are just clearing out their old stock.

Just been looking at the "buy" section and there isn`t really anything worth having, & apart from the fact that you have to spend money in order to get any of the stuff ie Expedia you have to spend £500 in order to get £50 off & I bet there are various terms & conditions applying to when you can actually use the vouchers etc.

I also thought that they were going to have auctions outside normal working hours but haven`t seen any evidence of this (how about having auctions on 24 hours a day expecially if everything is all pre-programmed anyway?)

Bring back the surprise 5 minute auctions. >:(

RE: Re Nestle Customer Relations.

This is all so disappointing!!!!!

I can`t believe some of the crappy things they`ve got up for auction. Some rather weird & useless gadget things don`t you think?

So far I have "won" 2 of the "Rumour Has It" T-shirts, these seem to be the only t-shirts there are, I wonder if they will auction loads of cinema tickets like they did last year, we can all turn up in our Rumour Has It T-shirts!

The best thing they had on the "buy" section last year was the radio & wish Id got a few more.

Going home to sulk now >:( >:(